Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P65WK A 80024425 1 1 22355481 Eng. Oil Filter
P65WKU B 80024433 1 1 85052744 Comp. Oil Filter
1 1 22283360 Fuel Filter
1 1 22284640 Water Sep.
1 1 22314322 Pre- Fuel Filter
1 22295794 Air Filter
P90WIR A 36058261 1 2 1 92128859 Comp. Oil Filter
B 36058287 2 2 2 54516075 Comp. Air Filter
C 36058295 1 4 1 54429675 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 54381306 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 54525530 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 54517776 Sep. Filter
1 85052744 Comp. Oil Filter
2 54516075 Comp. Air Filter
1 22226369 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22226351 Eng. Oil Filter
1 54525530 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 54517776 Sep. Filter
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P90BWIR A 44009215 500 Dry 1 1 1 22476683 Decal
B 44009231 1000 Dry 2 2 2 22519128 Oil Sample Kit
C 44009256 2000 Dry 1 1 22226369 Fuel Filter
1 1 1 22226351 Eng. Oil Filter
1 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
1 1 89232474 Air Filter
1 22570691 Sep. Filter
P100WW A 35095041 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P100WWU B 35080803 2 2 2 35291509 Comp. Air Filter
P125WW C 35053537 1 4 1 35303692 Eng. Oil Filter
P100AWW 1 35309566 Eng. Belt
P100AWWU 1 6 1 35330885 Eng. Fuel Filter
P125AWW 1 22402366 Sep. Filter
P100BWW A 35095058 1 2 1 35327824 Comp. Oil Filter
P125BWW B 35086776 2 2 2 35291509 Comp. Air Filter
C 35086768 1 4 1 35303692 Eng. Lube Filter
1 35309566 Eng. Belt
1 6 1 35330885 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402325 Sep. Filter
P100WF A 35095066 1 2 1 35327824 Comp. Oil Filter
P100AWF B 35089143 2 2 2 35291509 Comp. Air Filter
P125WF C 35089135 1 4 1 35366681 Eng. Oil Filter
P125AWF 1 6 1 35366699 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402325 Sep. Filter
P100BWF A 36004588 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P125BWF B 36004596 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
C 36004604 1 4 1 35366681 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35366699 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402226 Sep. Filter
P100WD A 35095074 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P100WDU B 35080811 2 2 2 35291509 Comp. Air Filter
P100SD C 35053545 1 6 1 92100981 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 4 1 35302504 Eng. Oil Filter
1 35285790 Eng. Belt
1 22402366 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 2
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities A B C Contents
P100AWD A 35095082 1 2 1 35327824 Comp. Oil Filter
P110AWD B 35080829 2 2 2 35291509 Comp. Air Filter
C 35079672 1 4 1 35336163 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 92100981 Eng. Fuel Filter
For units thru S/N 153472 1 22402424 Sep. Filter
Excluding units: 147543-147592 147983-147961 150770-150794
P100AWD A 35095090 1 2 1 35327824 Comp. Oil Filter
P110AWD B 35090828 2 2 2 35291509 Comp. Air Filter
C 35090810 1 4 1 35336163 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35368604 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402424 Sep. Filter
For units after S/N 153472
P100BWD A 35095090 1 2 1 35327824 Comp. Oil Filter
P110BWD B 35090828 2 2 2 35291509 Comp. Air Filter
P100CWD C 35090885 1 4 1 35336163 Eng. Oil Filter
P110CWD 1 6 1 35368604 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402325 Sep. Filter
P100DWD A 36005056 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P125DWD B 36005064 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P100EWD C 36005072 1 4 1 92793223 Eng. Oil Filter
P125EWD 1 6 1 92100981 Eng. Fuel Filter
P100FWD* 1 6 1 36845501 In-Line Fuel Filter
P125FWD* 1 22402226 Sep. Filter
*For units below S/N 294163
P100FWD A 36047892 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P125FWD B 36047900 2 2 2 35393685 Comp. Air Filter
P130WD C 36047918 1 4 1 92793223 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 92100981 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
For units above S/N 294164 1 22402226 Sep. Filter
P110WIR A 36058444 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P135WIR B 36058451 2 2 2 35393685 Comp. Air Filter
C 36058469 1 4 1 54429675 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 54381306 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 54525530 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 22402226 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 3
Maintenance Interval & Filter Kits
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P125WJD A 35095116 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P125AWJD B 35090844 2 2 2 35291509 Comp. Air Filter
P130WJD C 35090836 1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
P130AWJD 1 6 1 35308048 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402325 Sep. Filter
P130BWJD A 35095173 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P160BWJD B 35080894 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P175BWJD C 35079862 1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35308048 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
Used on units thru S/N 209634 1 22402325 Sep. Filter
P130BWJD* A 35095173 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P160BWJD* B 35080894 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P175BWJD* C 36011070 1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
*Used on units after S/N 209634 1 6 1 35308048 Eng. Fuel Filter
P130CWJD** 1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
P160CWJD** 1 22402325 Sep. Filter
** Used on units with glass type fuel filter
P160CWJD* B 36023232 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P175CWJD* C 36023240 1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
*Used on units with spin-on fuel filter 1 6 1 36534659 Eng. Fuel Filter
P100WJD 1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
P125BWJD* 1 22402226 Sep. Filter
*For units below S/N 294163
P100WJD A 36047868 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P125BWJD B 36047876 2 2 2 35393685 Comp. Air Filter
P130DWJD C 36047884 1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
P160DWJD 1 6 1 36534659 Eng. Fuel Filter
P175DWJD 1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
For units above S/N 294164 1 22402226 Sep. Filter
P100WFU A 35095124 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P125WFU B 35090745 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P160WFU C 35090737 1 4 1 35366681 Eng. Oil Filter
P175WFU 1 6 1 35366699 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402325 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 4 Rev. E, 7/2009
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P150WW A 35095132 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P175WW B 35080837 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P185WW C 35053552 1 4 1 35303692 Eng. Oil Filter
P175WWU 1 6 1 35330885 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35309566 Eng. Belt
1 35288224 Fan Belt
1 22402366 Sep. Filter
P150AWW A 35095132 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P160AWW B 35080837 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P160BWW C 35079847 1 4 1 35303692 Eng. Oil Filter
P175AWW 1 6 1 35330885 Eng. Fuel Filter
P175BWW 1 35309566 Eng. Belt
P185AWW 1 22402325 Sep. Filter
P125WD A 35095157 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P150WD B 35080860 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P175WD C 35053560 1 4 1 35292358 Eng. Oil Filter
P175WDU 1 6 1 35292366 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35305408 Eng. Belt
1 35288224 Fan Belt
1 22402366 Sep. Filter
P125AWD A 35095157 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P125BWD B 35080860 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P150AWD C 35079854 1 4 1 35292358 Eng. Oil Filter
P150BWD 1 6 1 35292366 Eng. Fuel Filter
P175AWD 1 35305408 Eng. Belt
P175BWD 1 22402325 Sep. Filter
P175CWD A 36005056 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P175DWD B 36005064 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P185WD C 36005072 1 4 1 92793223 Eng. Oil Filter
P185AWD* 1 6 1 92100981 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845501 In-Line Fuel Filter
*For units below S/N 294163. 1 22402226 Sep. Filter
Rev. E, 7/2009 Compressor Page 5
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P185AWD A 36047892 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
B 36047900 2 2 2 35393685 Comp. Air Filter
C 36047918 1 4 1 92793223 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 92100981 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
For units above S/N 294164 1 22402226 Sep. Filter
P185WJD A 35095173 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
B 35080894 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
C 35058734 1 6 1 35308048 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35288224 Eng. Belt
1 22402366 Sep. Filter
1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
P160WJD A 35095173 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P160AWJD B 35080894 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
XP175BWJD C 35079862 1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
P185AWJD 1 6 1 35308048 Eng. Fuel Filter
P185BWJD 1 22402325 Sep. Filter
P185CWJD- (On units thru S/N 209634) 1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
P185CWJD* A 35095173 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
B 35080894 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
C 36011070 1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
*(on units after S/N 209634)
1 6 1 35308048 Eng. Fuel Filter
P185DWJD** 1 22402226 Sep. Filter
**Used on units with glass type fuel filter 1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
P110AWIR A 22357297 1 1 22226351 Eng. Oil Filter
P135AWIR B 1 1 22226369 Eng. Fuel Filter
P185AWIR C 22357305 2 2 35393651 Safety Air Filter
XP185AWIR 2 2 35393685 Outer Air Filter
1 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
1 1 54525530 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 54625942 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 6
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P185DWJD A 36023224 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
XP185DWJD B 36023232 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
C 36023240 1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36534659 Eng. Fuel Filter
Used on units with spin-on type fuel filter. 1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
1 22402226 Sep. Filter
P185EWJD* A 36038446 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
XP185EWJD* B 36038453 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
C 36038461 1 4 1 36881696 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36534659 Eng. Fuel Filter
* For units below S/N 294163 1 22402226 Sep. Filter
P185EWJD* A 36054013 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
XP185EWJD* B 36054021 2 2 2 35393685 Comp. Air Filter
C 36054039 1 4 1 36881696 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36534659 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 54468178 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 22402226 Sep. Filter
P185GWJD A 44000917 500 1 1 22476683 Decal
B 44000933 1000 1 1 22545867 Eng. Oil Filter
1 1 22556138 Fuel Filter
2 2 35393651 Air Filter, Safety
2 2 35393685 Air Filter, Primary
1 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
1 54625942 Sep. Filter
Airsource A 36096170 500 1 1 22436323 Comp. Oil Filter
B 36096196 1000 1 1 22476683 Decal
1 1 22496905 Eng. Oil Filter
1 1 22532378 Fuel/Water Filter
2 2 35393651 Air Filter, Safety
2 2 35393685 Air Filter, Primary
1 1 36845493 Fuel Filter
1 22436331 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 7
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
Airsource A 36096170 500 1 1 22436323 Comp. Oil Filter
Plus B 36096196 1000 1 1 22476683 Decal
1 1 22496905 Eng. Oil Filter
1 1 22532378 Fuel/Water Filter
2 2 35393651 Air Filter, Safety
2 2 35393685 Air Filter, Primary
1 1 36845493 Fuel Filter
1 22436331 Sep. Filter
Airsource A 36096212 500 1 1 22436323 Comp. Oil Filter
Plus JD B 36096238 1000 1 1 22476683 Decal
1 1 22545867 Eng. Oil Filter
1 1 22556138 Eng. Oil Filter
2 2 35393651 Air Filter, Safety
2 2 35393685 Air Filter, Primary
1 1 36845493 Fuel Filter
1 22436331 Sep. Filter
P185WIR A 36054013 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
XP185WIR B 36054021 2 2 2 35393685 Comp. Air Filter
C 36054039 1 4 1 54381314 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 54381306 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 54468178 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 22402226 Sep. Filter
P130AWJDU A 36038446 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P175AWJDU B 36038453 2 2 2 36876423 Comp. Air Filter
P185AWJDU C 36038461 1 4 1 36881696 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36534659 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402226 Sep. Filter
P250WD A 35095199 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P250SD B 35090902 2 2 2 35318252 Comp. Air Filter
C 35079870 1 4 1 35292358 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35292366 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35305408 Eng. Belt
1 35288224 Fan Belt
1 22402382 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 8
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P250AWD A 35095199 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P250BWD B 35080902 2 2 2 35318252 Comp. Air Filter
C 35087444 1 4 1 35292358 Eng. Lube Filter
1 6 1 35292366 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35305408 Eng. Belt
1 35605716 Fan Belt
1 22402358 Sep. Filter
P250WJD A 36007268 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P250AWJD* B 36007276 1 1 1 36876423 Eng. Air Filter
C 36007284 1 1 1 35318252 Comp Air Filter
*For units with glass type fuel filter 1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35308048 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
1 22402267 Sep. Filter
P250AWJD A 36023527 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
B 36023265 1 1 1 36876423 Eng. Air Filter
C 36023273 1 1 1 35318252 Comp. Air Filter
1 4 1 35308030 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36534659 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
For units with spin-on type fuel filter 1 22402267 Sep. Filter
P250BWJD A 36034148 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
B 36034155 1 1 1 36876423 Eng. Air Filter
C 36034163 1 1 1 35318252 Comp. Air Filter
1 4 1 36881696 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36534659 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fiel Filter
1 22402267 Sep. Filter
P250CWJD A 36054047 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
B 36054054 1 1 1 35393685 Eng. Air Filter
C 36054062 1 1 1 54415377 Comp. Air Filter
1 4 1 36881696 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36534659 Fuel Filter
Used on units thru April 2000. 1 92754688 Sep. Filter
P250CWJD A 36054492 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
B 36054500 1 1 1 35393685 Eng. Air Filter
C 36054518 1 1 1 54471834 Comp. Air Filter
1 4 1 36881696 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36534659 Fuel Filter
Used on units thru April 2000. 1 92754688 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 9
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P250WIR A 36054468 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P260WIR B 36054476 1 1 1 35393685 Eng. Air Filter
C 36054484 1 1 1 54471834 Comp. Air Filter
1 4 1 54381314 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 54381306 Fuel Filter
1 6 1 54468178 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 92754688 Sep. Filter
P250WCU A 36034171 1 2 1 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
P250AWCU B 36034189 1 1 1 36876423 Eng. Air Filter
C 36034197 1 1 1 35318252 Comp. Air Filter
1 4 1 35374651 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35374669 Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35374677 Eng. Sec. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
1 22402267 Sep. Filter
P300SGM B 35080910 2 2 2 35277078 Comp. Air Filter
For units C 35053578 1 4 1 35290642 Eng. Oil Filter
canister style 1 6 1 35290543 Eng. Fuel Filter
engine elements. 1 35308576 Eng. Belt
1 35280478 Fan Belt
1 22402382 Sep. Filter
1 6 1 35290550 Eng. Strainer Filter
P300WGM A 35095223 1 2 1 35328509 Comp. Oil Filter
P300SGM B 35080928 2 2 2 35277078 Comp. Air Filter
For units C 35079888 1 4 1 35330893 Eng. Oil Filter
spin-on style 1 6 1 35330919 Fuel Strainer Filter
engine elements. 1 6 1 35330927 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35308576 Eng. Belt
1 35280478 Fan Belt
1 22402382 Sep. Filter
HP300WD A 35095231 1 2 1 35328509 Comp. Oil Filter
HP300AWD B 35089507 2 2 2 35326230 Comp. Air Filter
VHP300AWD C 35089499 1 4 1 35366301 Eng. Lube Filter
1 6 1 35292366 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402341 Sep. Filter
2 2 2 35377696 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
2 2 2 35291475 Air Cleaner Wing Nut
Compressor Page 10
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P335WD A 35095231 1 2 1 35328509 Comp. Oi Filter
P335SD B 35080936 2 2 2 35277078 Comp. Air Filter
C 35053586 1 4 1 35330687 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35292366 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35288224 Fan Belt
1 35285790 Eng. Belt
1 22402382 Sep. Filter
P375WD A 35095256 1 2 1 35328509 Comp. Oil Filter
P375SD B 35080944 1 1 1 35318252 Eng. Air Filter
HP320WD C 35079680 1 1 1 35326230 Comp. Air Filter
P375AWD 1 4 1 35330687 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35292366 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35285790 Eng. Belt
1 22402341 Sep. Filter
1 1 1 35377696 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 1 1 35328442 Eng. Safety Air Filter
2 2 2 35291475 Air Cleaner Wing Nut
HP300WCU A 36013993 1 2 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
P375WCU B 36014009 2 2 2 35326230 Comp./Eng. Air Filter
C 36014017 2 2 2 35377696 Com. Safety Air Filter
1 4 1 35387489 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35374669 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35374677 Eng. Fuel FIlter
1 22402341 Sep. Filter
HP300AWCU A 36034080 1 2 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
HP300BWCU B 36034098 2 2 2 35326230 Comp./Eng. Air Filter
P375AWCU C 36034106 2 2 2 35377696 Comp. Safety Air Filter
P375BWCU 1 4 1 35374651 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35374669 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35374677 Eng. Fuel Sec. Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
1 22402259 Sep. Filter
HP300WJD A 36034114 1 2 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
P375WJD B 36034122 2 2 2 35326230 Comp. Eng./Air Filter
C 36034130 2 2 2 35377696 Comp. Safety Air Filter
1 4 1 36881696 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35389527 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
1 22402259 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 11
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
HP375WJD A 36064707 1 2 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
B 36064715 2 2 2 54717145 Comp. Air Filter
C 36064723 2 2 2 54717152 Comp. Safety Air Filter
1 4 1 36881696 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36534659 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36845493 In-Line Fuel Filter
1 22111975 Sep. Filter
VHP300WIR A 36064673 1 2 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
HP365WIR B 36064681 2 2 2 54717145 Comp. Air Filter
XP375WIR C 36064699 2 2 2 54717152 Comp. Safety Air Filter
P425WIR 1 4 1 54565205 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 54565197 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 54468178 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 22111975 Sep. Filter
VHP300AWIR A 36089647 2 2 54717145 Comp. Air Filter
HP375AWIR B 36089662 2 2 54717152 Comp. Fuel Filter
XP375AWIR 1 1 22206197 Eng. Fuel Filter
P425AWIR 1 1 22206148 Eng. Oil Filter
1 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
1 1 54468178 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 22111975 Sep. Filter
VHP300BWIR No Kits 2 54717145 Comp. Air Filter
HP375BWIR 2 54717152 Comp. Fuel Filter
XP375BWIR 1 22206197 Eng. Fuel Filter
P425BWIR 1 22206148 Eng. Oil Filter
1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
1 54468160 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 22111975 Sep. Filter
HP375AWD A 36006484 1 2 1 35328509 Comp. Oil Filter
XP400AWD B 36006492 2 2 2 35380773 Pri. Air Filter
P425AWD C 36006500 2 2 2 35380781 Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35366301 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35292366 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402341 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 12
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
P425WGM A 35095264 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Fitler
P425SGM B 35080951 2 2 2 35277078 Comp. Air Filter
C 35053594 1 4 1 35290626 Eng. Oil Filter
For units with canister style 1 6 1 35290550 Eng. Strainer Filter
engine elements 1 6 1 35290543 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35308576 Eng. Belt
1 35280445 Fan Belt
1 22402465 Sep. Filter
P425WGM A 35095272 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
P425SGM B 35080969 2 2 2 35277078 Comp. Air Filter
C 35079896 1 4 1 35330901 Eng. Oil Filter
For units with spin-on style 1 6 1 35330919 Fuel Strainer Filter
engine elements 1 6 1 35330927 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35308576 Eng. Belt
1 35280445 Fan Belt
1 22402465 Sep. Filter
HP450SCA A 35095280 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
P450SCA B 35080977 2 2 2 35300383 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
HP425SCA C 35079904 2 2 1 35300375 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
1 6 1 35309517 Eng. Water Sep. Filter
For units with engine serial 1 4 1 35309525 Eng. Oil Filter
#90N39380-90N39379 1 35280445 Fan Belt
and anything above 90N39453 1 22402465 Sep. Filter
1 6 1 35310549 Eng. Fuel Filter
HP450SCA A 35095298 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
P450SCA B 35086396 2 2 2 35300383 Comp. Saf/ Air Filter
HP425SCA C 35086206 2 2 2 35300375 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
1 6 1 35309517 Eng. Water Sep. Filter
For units with engine serial 1 4 1 35358597 Eng. Oil Filter
#90N38769-90N39379 1 6 1 35310549 Eng. Fuel Filter
and anything above 90N39453 1 35280445 Fan Belt
1 22402465 Sep. Filter
VHP400WCU A 36014025 1 2 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
VHP400AWCU B 36014033 1 1 1 35300375 Eng. Pri. Air Filter
HP450WCU C 36014041 1 1 1 35300383 Eng. Saf. Air Filter
HP450AWCU 1 1 1 35384627 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XP525WCU 1 1 1 35384619 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XP525AWCU 1 4 1 35387489 Eng. Oil Filter
P600WCU 1 6 1 35374669 Eng. Fuel/ Water Filter
P600AWCU 1 6 1 35374677 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402309 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 13
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
VHP400AWIR No kits 2 54717145 Comp./Eng. Pri. Air Filter
VHP400WIR 2 54717152 Comp./Eng. Saf. Air Filter
HP450WIR 1 54461878 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
1 22206148 Eng. Oil Filter
1 22206197 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22111975 Sep. Filter
VHP400BWIR No kits 1 54717145 Comp./Eng. Pri. Air Filter
HP450BWIR 1 54717152 Comp./Eng. Saf. Air Filter
1 22926737 Eng. Fuel/Water Filter
2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
1 22206148 Eng. Oil Filter
1 22969257 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22111975 Sep. Filter
P600WIR No Kits 1 22119168 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
1 22119176 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 54717145 Eng. Pri. Air Filter
1 54717152 Eng. Saf. Air Filter
1 54468178 Eng. Fuel/Water
1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
1 22206148 Eng. Oil Filter
1 22206197 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22111975 Sep. Filter
P600BWIR No Kits 1 22119168 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
1 22119176 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 54717145 Eng. Pri. Air Filter
1 54717152 Eng. Saf. Air Filter
1 22926737 Eng. Fuel/Water
1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
1 22206148 Eng. Oil Filter
1 22969257 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22111975 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 14
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
HP525WGM A 35095306 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
XP600WGM B 35080985 2 2 2 35109156 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
P700WGM C 35053602 2 2 2 35109206 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35290626 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 35308741 Eng. Alt. Belt
1 35308733 Eng. Water Pump Belt
1 22402440 Sep. Filter
HP525AWGM A 35095306 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
XP600AWGM B 35080985 2 2 2 35109156 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
P700AWGM C 35079912 2 2 2 35109206 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35290626 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
For units with canister style 1 35308741 Eng. Alt. Belt
engine oil filters 1 35308733 Eng. Water Pump Belt
1 36711950 Sep. Filter
HP525AWGM A 35095322 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
HP525BWGM B 35081009 2 2 2 35109156 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
HP525CWGM C 35079920 2 2 2 35109206 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XP600AWGM 1 4 1 35330901 Eng. Oil Filter
XP600BWGM 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
XP600CWGM 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
P700AWGM 1 35308741 Eng. Alt. Belt
P700BWGM 1 35308733 Eng. Water Pump Belt
P700CWGM 1 36711950 Sep. Filter
For unit with spin-on style engine oil filters
XP600CUM A 35095330 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
P700CUM B 35081017 2 2 2 35109156 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 35053610 2 2 2 35109206 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35289099 Eng. Oil Filter
For units with Cummins V-504 engine. 1 4 1 35289107 Eng. Oil Bypass Filter
1 6 1 35289081 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402440 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 15
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
HP600WGM A 35095348 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
XP750WGM B 35081025 2 2 2 35109271 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
P850WGM C 35060706 2 2 2 35109263 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
1 4 1 35290626 Eng. Oil Filter
For units with canister style 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
engine oil filters 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 36711950 Sep. Filter
HP600WGM A 35095355 1 2 1 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
HP600AWGM B 35081033 2 2 2 35109271 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
HP600BWGM C 35079938 2 2 2 35109263 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XP750WGM 1 4 1 35330901 Eng. Oil Filter
XP750AWGM 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
XP750BWGM P850WGM 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
P850WGM P850AWGM 1 36711950 Sep. Filter
For units with spin-on engine oil filters
HP750WCU A 35095363 2 4 2 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
HP600WCU B 35086404 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XP600WCU C 35085406 2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
P750WCU 1 4 1 35357243 Eng. Oil Filter
XP850WCU 1 4 1 35357250 Eng. Oil Bypass Filter
P900WCU 2 6 2 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
For units with Cummins 1 6 1 35357276 Eng. Water Sep. Filter
L10-225-C engine. 1 22291280 Sep. Filter
“For units with dual engine oil filters
Use on engines with serial number prior to 34607424″
XP600WCU A 36002046 2 4 2 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
HP600WCU B 36002053 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
P750WCU C 36002061 2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
HP750WCU 1 4 1 35378546 Eng. Oil Filter
XP825WCU 1 6 1 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
P900WCU XP900AWCU 1 6 1 35357276 Eng. Water Filter
HP600AWCU HP600BWCU 1 22291280 Sep. Filter
“For units with Cummins L10 engine with
single oil filter (After engine serial # 34607423)”
Compressor Page 16
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
HP600CWCU A 36020717 1 2 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
HP750CWCU B 36020725 2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XP750CWCU C 36020733 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XP825CWCU 1 4 1 35378546 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35374669 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36868156 Eng. Water Filter
1 6 1 35374677 Eng. Sec. Fuel Filter
1 54641519 Sep. Filter
HP600WJD A 36023190 1 2 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
XP750WJD B 36023208 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 36023216 2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 36870038 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36870046 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 54641519 Sep. Filter
HP750WJD A 36039873 1 2 1 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
XP825WJD B 36039881 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 36039899 2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 36870038 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36889657 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 54641519 Sep. Filter
HP825CWCU A 36036812 2 4 2 36897353 Comp. Oil Filter
XP900CWCU B 36036820 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 36036838 2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35378546 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35357276 Eng. Water Filter
1 22291280 Sep. Filter
VHP750WCU A 36047629 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
HP825DWCU B 36036820 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
VHP825WCU C 36047645 2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XP900DWCU 2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
HP915WCU 1 4 1 35378546 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36896314 Eng. Water Filter
1 36891315 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 17
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
XP1000WCU A 36047652 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
XP1050WCU B 36047660 1 1 1 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 36047678 1 1 1 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 1 1 36893840 Eng. Pri. Air Filter
1 1 1 36893857 Eng. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35378546 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 36896314 Eng. Water Filter
1 36891315 Sep. Filter
XHP750WGM A 35095371 1 2 1 35330125 Comp. Oil Filter
XHP750SGM B 35081041 2 2 2 35109271 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XHP750WGM C 35060680 2 2 2 35109263 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
1 4 1 35290626 Eng. Oil Filter
For units up thru serial #107770- 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
canister style engine filters 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402507 Sep. Filter
XHP750SGM A 35095389 1 2 1 35331025 Comp. Oil Filter
B 35086412 2 2 2 35109271 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
C 35086214 2 2 2 35109263 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
1 4 1 35330901 Eng. Oil Filter
For units with spin-on style 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Filter Strainer
engine oil filters 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402507 Sep. Filter
XHP750SCAT A 35095397 1 2 1 35367879 Comp. Oil Filter
B 35089770 2 2 2 35109271 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
C 35089762 2 2 2 35109263 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
For units below S/N 170842 1 4 1 35310556 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35310549 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35607605 Eng. Water Filter
1 35864842 Sep. Filter
XHP750SCAT A 35099043 2 4 2 36860336 Comp. Oil Filter
XHP600SCAT B 35099050 2 2 2 35109271 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
C 35099068 2 2 2 35109263 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
For units 170842 and above 1 4 1 35310556 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36921674 Eng. Pri. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35310549 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35607605 Eng. Water Filter
1 35864842 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 18
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
VHP750AWCAT B 36050144 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
VHP850WCAT C 36050151 2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
VHP850AWCAT 1 4 1 35310556 Eng. Oil Filter
HP900WCAT 1 6 1 35310549 Eng. Fuel Filter
HP900AWCAT 1 6 1 35607605 Eng. Water Filter
1 6 1 36921674 Eng. Pri. Fuel Filter
1 36891315 Sep. Filter
XP1000WCAT A 36050169 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
XP1000AWCAT B 36050177 1 1 1 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 36050185 1 1 1 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 1 1 36893840 Eng. Pri. Air Filter
1 1 1 36893857 Eng. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35310556 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35310549 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35607605 Eng. Water Filter
1 6 1 36921674 Eng. Pri. Fuel Filter
1 36891315 Sep. Filter
XHP750WGM A 35095405 1 2 1 35330125 Comp. Oil Filter
B 35081058 2 2 2 35123520 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
C 35079946 2 2 2 35123512 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
1 4 1 35290626 Eng. Oil Filter
For units above 107770 with canister 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
style engine oil filters 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402507 Sep. Filter
XHP750WGM A 35095413 1 2 1 35330125 Comp. Oil Filter
XHP750AWGM B 35081066 2 2 2 35123520 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XHP750BWGM C 35079953 2 2 2 35123512 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
1 4 1 35330901 Eng. Oil Filter
For units above 107770 with spin-on 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
style engine oil filters 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402507 Sep. Filter
XHP650WCAT A 35096841 2 4 2 36860336 Comp. Oil Filter
XHP750WCAT B 35096833 1 1 1 36867786 Eng. Pri. Air Filter
XHP825WCAT C 35096825 1 1 1 35123512 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XHP650AWCAT 1 1 1 36876019 Eng. Saf. Air Filter
XHP750AWCAT 1 1 1 35123520 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XHP825AWCAT 1 4 1 35310556 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 36921674 Eng. Pri. Fuel Filter
Note- On “A” version units, these air 1 6 1 35310549 Eng. Fuel Filter
filter housings have round air intake 1 6 1 35607605 Eng. Water Filter
holes. 1 22402242 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 19
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
XHP650AWCAT A 36020683 2 4 2 36860336 Comp. Oil Filter
XHP750AWCAT B 36020691 1 1 1 35123512 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XHP825AWCAT C 36020709 1 1 1 35123520 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 1 1 36867786 Eng. Pri. Air Filter
1 1 1 36876019 Eng. Saf. Air Filter
Note- These are used on units where 1 4 1 36921674 Eng. Pri. Fuel Filter
air filter housings have air intake vents 1 6 1 35310556 Eng. Oil Filter
instead of a circular opening. 1 6 1 35310549 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35607605 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402242 Sep. Filter
HP850WGM A 35095439 2 4 2 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
XP900WGM B 35081082 2 2 2 35123520 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
P1100WGM C 35079961 2 2 2 35123512 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
For Units with canister style 1 4 1 35290626 Eng. Oil Filter
oil filters above S/N: 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
107081 (HP850) 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
107081 (XP900) 1 22402432 Sep. Filter
107985 (P1100)
HP850WGM A 35095348 2 4 2 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
XP900WGM B 35081025 2 2 2 35109271 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
P1100WGM C 35061282 2 2 2 35109263 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
HP850 up thru 107081 1 4 1 35290626 Eng. Oil Filter
XP900 up thru 107081 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
P1100 up thru 107985 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402432 Sep. Filter
HP850WGM A 35095447 2 4 2 35330133 Comp. Oil Filter
HP850AWGM B 35081090 2 2 2 35123520 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
HP850BWGM C 35079979 2 2 2 35123512 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XP900WGM 1 4 1 35330901 Eng. Oil Filter
XP900AWGM 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
XP900BWGM 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
P1100WGM 1 22402432 Sep. Filter
For units with spin-on style engine oil
filters above S/N:
107081 (HP850)
107081 (XP900)
107985 (P1100)
Compressor Page 20
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
XP900WCAT A 36002012 2 4 2 36860336 Comp. Oil Filter
XHP900SCAT B 36002020 4 4 4 36876019 Comp. Air Filter
C 36002038 4 4 4 36867786 Comp. Air Filter
1 4 1 35362235 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35362243 Eng. Sec. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35362250 Eng. Pri. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35362268 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402242 Sep. Filter
XHP900AWCAT A 36020204 2 4 2 36860336 Comp. Oil Filter
XHP1070WCAT B 36020212 2 2 2 36864361 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 36020220 2 2 2 36864379 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35362235 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 35362243 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35362250 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35362268 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402242 Sep. Filter
XHP1070AWCAT A 36066363 2 4 2 36860336 Comp. Oil Filter
XHP1170WCAT B 36066371 2 2 2 36864361 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 36066389 2 2 2 36864379 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35362235 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 22090526 eng. Sec. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 22090534 Eng. Pri. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35362268 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402242 Sep. Filter
XHP1170WCU A 36065001 2 4 2 36860336 Comp. Oil Filter
B 36065019 2 2 2 36864361 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 36065027 2 2 2 36864379 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 54662028 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 54662036 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 54662051 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402242 Sep. Filter
HP1000WCU A 35099019 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
XP1200WCU B 35099027 3 3 3 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 35099035 3 3 3 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 6 1 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35357276 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402317 Sep. Filter
1 4 1 35378546 Eng. Oil Filter
Compressor Page 21
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
HP1000AWCU A 36007292 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
XP1200AWCU B 36007300 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
P1300AWCU C 36007318 2 2 2 35123512 Comp. Pri. Air FIlter
2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
2 2 2 35123520 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35357243 Eng. Oil Filter
1 4 1 35357250 Eng. Oil Filter
2 6 2 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35375914 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402317 Sep . Filter
HP1000BWCU A 36020238 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
XP1200BWCU B 36020246 2 2 2 36864361 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
P1300BWCU C 36020253 2 2 2 36864379 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35357243 Eng. Oil Filter
1 4 1 35357250 Eng. Oil Filter
For units with dual engine 1 6 1 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
oil filters 1 6 1 35375914 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402317 Sep. Filter
HP1000BWCU A 36022788 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
HP1000CWCU B 36022796 2 2 2 36864361 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XP1200BWCU C 36022812 2 2 2 36864379 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XP1200CWCU 1 4 1 35378546 Eng. Oil Filter
P1300BWCU 1 6 1 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
P1300CWCU 1 6 1 35375914 Eng. Water Filter
For units with single engine 1 22402317 Sep. Filter
oil filters
HP1300WGM A 35095454 1 2 1 35330125 Comp. Oil Filter
XP1400WGM B 35081108 2 2 2 35298108 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
P1600WGM C 35060698 2 2 2 35298116 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35290626 Eng. Oil Filter
For units with canister style engine 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
oil filters 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 22402473 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 22
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
HP1300WGM A 35095462 1 2 1 35330125 Comp. Oil Filter
HP1300AWGM B 35081116 2 2 2 35298108 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
HP1300BWGM C 35079987 2 2 2 35298116 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XP1400WGM 1 4 1 35330901 Eng. Oil Filter
XP1400AWGM 1 6 1 35290618 Eng. Fuel Strainer
XP1400BWGM 1 6 1 35290600 Eng. Fuel Filter
P1600WGM 1 22402473 Sep. Filter
For units with spin-on style engine oil filters
HP1300WCU A 35096874 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
XP1400WCU B 35096866 2 2 2 36867786 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
P1600WCU C 35096858 2 2 2 35123512 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
2 2 2 36876019 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
2 2 2 35123520 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 35357243 Eng. Oil Filter
1 4 1 35357250 Eng. Oil Filter
2 6 2 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 35375914 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402317 Sep. Filter
HP1000BWCU A 36020238 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
HP1300AWCU B 36020246 2 2 2 36864361 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XP1400AWCU C 36020261 2 2 2 36864379 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
P1600AWCU 1 4 1 35357243 Eng. Oil Filter
1 4 1 35357250 Eng. Oil Filter
For units with dual engine 1 6 1 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
oil filters 1 6 1 35375914 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402317 Sep. Filter
HP1300AWCU A 36022788 2 2 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
HP1300BWCU B 36022796 2 2 2 36864361 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
XP1400AWCU C 36022804 2 2 2 36864379 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
XP1400BWCU 1 4 1 35378546 Eng. Oil Filter
P1600AWCU 1 6 1 35357268 Eng. Fuel Filter
P1600BWCU 1 6 1 35375914 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402317 Sep. Filter
Compressor Page 23
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
HP1300CWCU A 36064970 2 4 2 36897346 Comp. Oil Filter
HP1600CWCU B 36064988 2 2 2 36864361 Comp. Pri. Air Filter
C 36064996 2 2 2 36864379 Comp. Saf. Air Filter
1 4 1 54662028 Eng. Oil Filter
1 6 1 54662036 Eng. Fuel Filter
1 6 1 54662051 Eng. Water Filter
1 22402317 Sep. Filter
Airsource External Decals
Unit IR Part# Kit Hours Quantities Contents
Air Source Plus JD A 44014561 1 1 22895197 Curbside Stripe
Air Source Plus IR B 44014579 1 1 22895213 Street side Stripe
Air Source C 44014587 1 1 1 22895221 Rear Stripe
3 3 3 22895247 Swoosh
2 2 22916720 IR Powered
1 22895189 Curbside Stripe
1 22895205 Street side Stripe
Air Source Sunbelt A 44014595 1 22895197 Curbside Stripe
Air Source Plus IR B 44014603 1 22895213 Street side Stripe
Sunbelt 2 2 22916720 IR Powered
1 22895189 Curbside Stripe
1 22895205 Street side Stripe
1 1 22583009 Sunbelt
3 3 22582951 Sunbelt
Compressor Page 24
“The objective of the airend exchange program is to provide a variety of solutions to our customers and promote the sale of Ingersoll Rand remanufactured airends with competitive advantages:
Quality: Remanufactured airends are built by trained and certified craftsman.
Reliability: All airends are tested to original factory specifications.
Performance: All airends are upgraded with newest technology to insure optimum performance.
Availability: Best in the industry.
Warranty: 5 year extended warranty available. Second to none.
Support: Aftermarket parts and service support.
The airend exchange program is a three-tier solution structure. When an airend needs to be replaced, the customer has three alternative solutions:
1. New Airend
2. Remanufactured Airend
3. Airend rebuild kit
This option may be less money short term, but only parts are covered for 6 months. Order a genuine factory rebuild for peace of mind and optimum airend performance.”
Compressor Page 25
“Utility Equipment will exchange any used airend, including a non-IR airend, for a remanufactured or new airend regardless of condition of the returned airend.
Ingersoll Rand Warranty
A) Ingersoll Rand Airends:
1) Standard Warranty on new Ingersoll Rand airends is two years or 4000 hours of operation.
2) Standard Warranty on remanufactured Ingersoll Rand airends is two years or 4000 hours of operation.
3) Extended Warranty of 5 years or 10,000 hours of operation is available on new and remanufactured IR airends provided the following conditions are met:
•Continued use of Ingersoll Rand genuine lubricants, filters and parts
•Compressor maintenance is performed at prescribed scheduled intervals
•Proper installation of airend
B) Competitive (Non-IR) Airends:
1) Standard Warranty of 1 year or 2000 hours of operation.
2) Extended Warranty of 5 years or 10,000 hours of operation is available on remanufactured non-IR airends provided the following conditions are met:
•Continued use of Ingersoll Rand supplied filters and fluids for non-IR airends
•Compressor maintenance is performed at prescribed scheduled intervals
•Proper installation of airend
C) 6 months standard parts warranty on Ingersoll Rand airend rebuild kits.
Return of Used Airends:
– US and Canada, all used airends must be returned to IR-Mocksville within 60 days from date of order.
– Latin America, used airends, at IR discretion, can be either returned to closest IR location or held at distributor location.”
Compressor Page 26
“- Asia-Pacific, used airends, at IR discretion, can be either returned to IR- Singapore within 60 days from date of order, or held at distributor location.
– Ingersoll Rand Distributor / Equipment Store can place order directly on EC Central / iStore for replacement airend. The order must contain the returned airend serial number.
– Returned airend must be tagged with the core return number (ex. CO12345) and shipped prepaid to the factory.
– Warranty registration cards are shipped with each rebuilt exchange airend. These must be filled out and returned or faxed to the Field Service Department.
– Do not seek an exchange airend to satisfy a warranty claim. Contact a Field Service representative to process your warranty claim.
– Ingersoll Rand reserves the right to ship new or rebuilt airends to satisfy both warranty claims and exchanges.
– Drive coupling are not included with airends in this program.
– Airends will be shipped collect or prepaid, with charges added to the invoice.
For more information call 800.633.5206″
Compressor Page 27
“To help insure warranty, these measures should be followed:
Airend Replacement Precautions
When replacing any airend with either a new or rebuilt airend, it is essential that certain precautionary measures be taken before, during, and after installation- no matter what the reason for the failure.
I. Before Replacement Airend Is Installed:
A. Drain the entire lubrication oil system completely.
B. Remove the old oil filter element. Discard.
C. Flush all components in the system separately; i.e. valves, switches, manifolds, piping and/or hose, oil cooler and separator tank. If necessary, remove component, flush, and replace if either inner or outer covering is visibly damaged.
D. Check condition of all compressor airend oil hoses and replace if either inner or outer covering is visibly damaged.
E. Remove separator cover and inspect separator element. If element shows any signs of excessive wear, varnish coating, or has collapsed – replace element.
II. During Installation
A. Take every precaution to prevent foreign material of any kind from entering any opening of the installed airend. If at all possible, the airend should be replaced in dust and moisture free surroundings.
III. After Installation
A. Install new oil filter.
B. Refill system with recommended oil. Use Ingersoll Rand Pro-TecTM Fluid for machines designed to operate at 300 psi and below. Use Ingersoll Rand XHP fluids for machines designed to operate at >300 psi. Ingersoll Rand Performance 500 Fluid may be used in all pressure applications depending on ambient of -40˚F to 65˚F (40˚C to 18˚C). Proof that IR Protective lubricants and filters have been used for the life of the airend is required when submitting warranty claims for extended coverage.
C. Pour one gallon of oil into intake to aid lubrication on initial start up. (This applies to screw airend only)
D. Run unit for one hour. Replace oil filter element.
E. Replace oil filter element again after initial 50 and 150 operating hours and thereafter every 500 operating hours, or when oil filter service indicator show need for element change, whichever comes first.
F. Resume normal maintenance.
– Contact the Field Service at Utility Equipment if you have any questions concerning the warranty of an airend.
– Extended Warranty Program — Ingersoll Rand offers an extended warranty coverage
on new and rebuilt airends when IR Protective lubricants and filters are used. The customer must agree to maintenance the compressor airend according to the IR recommendations. Contact your Customer Service Representative for more details.
– Customer must have airend serial number when placing orders.”
Compressor Page 28
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # (approx. lbs.) Notes
P90WIR FCD CE55 54564927 36058436 90 *
P100WW A1 100 35073253 35349752 190 NA
P100BWW Q4, W7, X4 100 35089366 35085661 190 NA
P100BWF BF 85 36007839 36007193 110
P100AWD J5, W8, X5 100 35089382 35356658 190 NA
P100DWD AE 85 36007888 36007185 110
P100WFU X6 100 35089374 35356666 230
“* = No serial code is on the older P90 airends.
NA = Not Available”
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # (approx. lbs.) Notes
P125WD A6 100 35073030 35349729 230
XP175AWJD S9, W5, X6 100 35089374 35356666 230
P125WJD X7 100 35089390 35356674 230
P185WJD P7, W6, X7 100 35089390 35356674 230 New Style
P185WJD C1 100 35073048 35349737 230 Old Style
P125WD P6, W5, X6 100 35089374 35356666 230
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # (approx. lbs.) Notes
P125WD A6 100 35073030 35349729 230
XP175AWJD S9, W5, X6 100 35089374 35356666 230
P125WJD X7 100 35089390 35356674 230
P185WJD P7, W6, X7 100 35089390 35356674 230 New Style
P185WJD C1 100 35073048 35349737 230 Old Style
P125WD P6, W5, X6 100 35089374 35356666 230
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Notes
(approx. lbs.)
VHP300WIR JU CE128 42514521 36065977 890 **
HP450WIR LG CE128 22187660 42593483 890 **
VHP300WIR LH CE128 22187652 42593491 890 **
P425WIR JQ CE128 42514489 42593509 890 **
HP300WCU BZ 178.5 36010791 36014066 770
VHP300WD J3, T2 178.5 35085067 35356682 770
VHP300AWIR KZ CE128 22176853 N/A 890 **
XP375AWIR KX CE128 22176853 N/A 890 **
HP375AWIR KY CE128 22176846 N/A 890 **
P425AWIR KW CE128 22176812 N/A 890 **
HP450AWIR ML 178.5 36084325 42593467 770
VHP400AWIR MN 178.5 36084333 42593475 770
HP320 S7 178.5 35086131 35088525 770
P335 A3, T5 178.5 35085091 35349224 770
HP365WIR JT CE128 42514513 36065985 890 **
P375WCU;A; BY 178.5 36008761 36014074 770
HP375AWD AD 178.5 35097096 36007235 770
HP375WJD JS 178.5 42514505 36065993 770
XP375WIR JR CE128 42514489 36066017 890
VHP400WCU VHP4400AWCU CS 178.5 36018059 36019982 770
P425WGM A4, T4 178.5 35085075 35356690 770
HP425WCAT P8, T3 178.5 35085075 3536690 770
** = Discontinued, see note on CE128 airends, Page 47
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Notes
(approx. lbs.)
HP525WGM B8 226 35048719 35349307 1235
HP525AWGM E8 226 35082205 35349596 1235
HP525WCU A7 226 35044023 35349133 1235
DXL600A;B(GM) F2 226 35082023 35085679 1350
DXL600H(CAT) J4 255 35071950 35356716 1545
DXL600H(GM) 52 255 35022805 35348903 1545
DXL600AH;BH(GM) F3 226 35082221 35349646 1350
HP600A;BWGM D1 226 35082288 35349406 1350
HP600A;BWCU C6 226 35097062 35349414 1235
HP600CWCU CW 226 36020758 36022762 1235
HP600CWCU(WW) FY 226 42437558 36049716 1235
XP600WGM A8 226 35048727 35349315 1235
XP600A;B;CWGM D8 226 35082213 35349570 1235
XP600WCU C6 226 35097062 35349414 1235
XHP600SCAT S8 HR2 35086339 35088640 2140
XHP650;AWCAT S1 HR2 35086347 35088657 2140
P700WGM B9 226 35048735 35349323 1235
P700A;B;CWGM E9 226 35082197 35349604 1235
P700WCU B3 226 35082346 35349158 1235
DXL700A;B(GM) F4 226 35082270 35349638 1350
DXL700A(CAT) F4,P1 226 35080522 35085695 1350
D750;XHP750WCU D750S 48,86,G1,J8 226/163 “35078252
35078849″ “35349703
35349380″ 1550
DXL70(XL-1)(GM) 55 255 35114958 35349877 1545 @
@ See footnote 2 on Page 44
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Notes
(approx. lbs.)
DXL750(XL-02)(GM) 55 255 35019611 35348812 1545 @
DXL750CAT 55 255 35051689 35349463 1545
DXL750A;BWGM F5 226 35082254 35349650 1350
DXL750A(CAT) F5, P2 226 35082254 35349653 1350
XHP750SCAT S1 HR2 35096205 35099100 2140
XHP750;AWCAT AA HR2 35096205 35099100 2140
HP675DWCU(WW) FW 226 42437566 36049724 1370
XP750BWCU R9 226 35094135 35085703 1370
XP750CWCU CX 226 36020766 36022770 1370
HP750BWCU CD 226 36011997 36020014 1370
HP750CWCU DB 226 42407064 36038925 1370
HP750CWCU(WW) FU 226 42437574 36049732 1370
VHP750WCAT FH 226 36046886 36047595 1370
VHP750WCAT FR 226 42455352 36049740 1370
XP825;A;BWCU S3 226 35097070 35085711 1370
XP825CWCU DA 226 42407072 36038933 1370
VHP750WCU FV 226 42437582 36049757 1370
XHP825;AWCAT S2 HR2 35086354 35088665 2140
HP825A;B;CWCU CE 226 36012003 36019990 1370
HP825DWCU FF 226 36046456 36047579 1370
“@ See footnote 2 on Page 44
NA = Not Available”
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Notes
(approx. lbs.)
HP825DWCU(WW) FL 226 42437590 36049765 1370
VHP825WCU FB 226 36043461 36047546 1370
P850;A;VWGM D2 226 35082304 35349422 1370
HP850;A;BWGM D3, 57 255 35019660 35348820 1545
DXL850(GM) 57 255 35019660 35348820 1545
DXL850A;B(GM) F6 226 35082247 35349661 1350
DXL850(CAT) F8 255 35064906 35349687 1545
DXL850A(CAT) P4 226 35081488 35085729 1350
DL900 61 250 72056385 35348580 1600 N/A
EL900 61 250 N/A 35348325 1600 N/A
EXL900 70 255 35019835 35348846 1545
DXL900(XL-1) 60 255 35114982 35349885 1545 @
DXL900(XL-2) 60 255 35019710 35348838 1545 @
XHP900SCAT AG HR2 35097468 35099118 2140
XP900A;B;CWCU CG 226 36011112 36020006 1370
XP900DWCU FG 226 36046464 36047587 1370
XP900DWCU(WW) GS 226 42474270 36049773 1370
P900;A;BWCU S4 226 35097088 35085737 1370
HP900WCAT FJ 226 36046894 36047603 1370
HP900WCAT(WW) FS 226 42455360 36049781 1370
HP935WCU FA 226 36043479 36047553 1370
HP935WCU(WW) FP 226 42455337 36049799 1370 @
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Notes
(approx. lbs.)
XP950WCAT FT 226 42455378 36049807 1370
XP1000WCAT FK 226 36046902 36047611 1370
HP1000A;B;CWCU AH 285 35097450 36000909 2910
XP1050WCU EZ 226 36043487 36047561 1370
XP1050WCU(WW) FQ 226 42455345 36049815 1370
DXL1050 58 255 35022300 35348895 1545
XHP1070WCAT BV,CQ HR2.5 36017549 36020055 2140
XHP1070AWCAT CQ HR2.5 36017549 36020055 2140
XHP1170WCAT HN HR2.5 54637905 36066025 2140
P1100;A;BWGM D5,70 255 35019868 35348853 1545
DXL1100 70 255 35019868 35348853 1545
DL1200 67 250 31358237 35348564 1600 NA
EL1200 67 250 35338953 35348309 1600
EXL1200 65 255 35002864 35348747 1545
DXL1200(XL-1)(1800) 74 255 35115013 35349893 1545 @
DXL1200(XL-1)(2100) 74 255 35115013 35369792 1545 @
DXL1200(XL-2) 74 255 35019918 35348861 1545 @
DXL1200(CAT) 74 255 35019918 35348861 1545
DXL1400 72 255 35022045 35348879 1545
XP1200A;B;CWCU Z9 285 35095033 35099126 2910
HP1300;AWGM C7 285 35051127 35349430 2910 NA
HP1300BWGM U8 285 35088350 35089895 2910 NA
HP1300;A;B;CWCU Z8 285 35095025 35099134 2910
P1300A;B;CWCU Z8 285 35095025 35099134 2910
NA = Not Available
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Notes
(approx. lbs.)
XP1400;AWGM C8 285 35051135 35349448 2910 NA
XP1400BWGM U7 285 35088343 35089903 2910 NA
XP1400/A/BWCU Z7 285 35095017 35099142 2910
P1600;AWGM C9 285 35051143 35349455 2910 NA
P1600BWGM U6 285 35088335 35089911 2910 NA
HP1600CWCU Z2 285 35092014 35099159 2910
D1750 75 330/275 35002591 35348739 5260 NA
D2000 80 330/275 35002419 35348721 5260 NA
E2100 81 330/275 35008143 35348754 5260 NA
D2300 85 330/275 35011311 35348770 5260 NA
Truck-Mounted Equipment & Compressor Modules
Model Serial Code “MM
Size” New IR Part # “Rebuilt IR Part
#” “Weight (approx.
lbs)” Notes
PTO-85MM HP 85 54403670 36054096 110
PTO-85MM GJ 85 42470260 36049823 110
PTO-5 27 127.5 35043355 35349109 285 NA
PTO-7-260 29 178.5 35036235 35348929 780 NA
PTO-7-330 28,06 178.5 35044684 35349190 780 NA
PTO-9-450 26,07,01 226 35082338 35349539 1210 NA
PTO-9-600 24,08,02 226 35082338 35349539 1210 NA
PTO-9-750 22,03 226 35082320 35349554 1210 NA
PTO-750/250-2100 34,K2 226/163 35078237 35349372 1770 NA
PTO-750/250-1800 23,K1 226/163 35078245 35349299 1770 NA
OBP Cat 1 Ford OBP Cat 3 GXU CF75D8 22637219 NA 210 ***
OBP Cat 2 HAA CF75G 22234595 NA 120 NA
OBP Cat 1 Belt-Drive FCD CE55RW 54564927 NA 50 NA
OBP Cat 1 Ford OBP Cat 2 Ford HWZ CF90D3 22643043 NA 210 NA
HP185CMH JM 85 36052736 36066041 110
VHP30CMH (recip) VHP40CMH (recip) TS10 Recip 16545006 NA 50 NA
VHP90CMH OBP Cat 1 HL CE55G 54629563 NA 90 NA
VHP200CMH HJ CF90 54390943 36054088 250
VHP300CMH HJ CF90 54390943 36054088 250
VHP400CMH VHP500CMH VHP550CMH Z4 178.5 35093665 35099191 770
VHP550CMH HP600CMH XP650CMH BX 178.5 36010254 36014082 770
XHP650CMH(1850) XHP750(2100)” S1 HR2 35086347 35088657 2140
“*** = Was built in Germany, now built in Mocksville
NA = Not available”
Truck-Mounted Equipment & Compressor Modules
Model Serial Code “MM
Size” New IR Part # “Rebuilt IR Part
#” “Weight (approx.
lbs)” Notes
XHP750CM (1850) JY HR2 54629563 N/A 90 N/A
XHP750CM (2100) JW HR2 36051381 36066066 2140
XHP750CMH (1850) AA HR2 35096205 35099100 2140
“XHP825CM (1850)
XHP825CMH (1850)
XHP900CMH (2100)” S2 HR2 35086354 35088665 2140
XHP825CM (2100) JX HR2 36052868 36066074 2140
XHP825CMH (2100) X8 HR2 35089879 35091172 2140
XHP900CM (1800) KA HR2 36052231 36066082 2140
XHP900CM (2100) JZ HR2 36052223 36066090 2140
XHP900CMH (1800) AG HR2 35097468 35099118 2140
XHP1070CM (1800) JP HR2.5 36052710 36066108 2140
XHP1070CM (2100) JN HR2.5 36052728 36066116 2140
XHP1070CMH (1800) CQ HR2.5 36017549 36020055 2140
XHP1070CMH (2100) CV HR2.5 36020519 36020964 2140
XHP1250CM KU HR2.5 36069243 42593525 2140
N/A = Not available
Oil Field Rigs & Specialized Applications
Model Serial Code “MM
Size” New IR Part # “Rebuilt IR Part
#” “Weight (approx.
lbs)” Notes
P100 BR 85 36007847 36066124 110
P275 FC 127.5 43204536 36049831 250
P300 FD 127.5 42452755 36049849 250
VHP300/200 HJ CF90 54390943 36054088 250
P330 EP 178.5 36032936 36049856 770
P350 HQ 178.5 36051787 36066132 770
P375 GK 178.5 36045029 36049864 770
VHP500/200 Z4 178.5 35093665 35099191 770
P520 CS 178.5 36018059 36019982 770
NIRVANA GZ 226 42476157 42593558 1300
P600 EN 226 42431999 36049872 1370
P750 DS 226 39865407 36038941 1370
XHP750/350 S1 HR2 35086347 35088657 2140
P780 DU 226 42429241 36039386 1370
P850 EM 226 42431981 36049880 1370
P900 FS 226 42474270 36049773 1370
P950 DJ 226 36032084 36038958 1370
P950 FP 226 42455337 36049799 1370
P1050 DR 226 42427559 36038966 1370
P1750 DT 226 36032381 36038974 2910
P2200 JL 297/250 39849609 36066033 3800 N/A
XHP 87, J9 226/163 35078195 35349695 1770
XHP C3, K7, R1 255/204 35084433 35349505 2680 †
XHP C4, K8, R2 255/204 35084441 35349471 2680 †
XHP D6, K9, R3 255/204 35084458 35349810 2680 †
XHP D9, L1, R4 255/204 35084466 35349588 2680 †
XHP 84, K6, Q9 255/204 35084425 35349273 2680 †
XHP L3, L4, R6 255/204 35084482 35356727 2680 †
XHP J7 285.178.5 35076314 35086818 4300 †
“N/A = Not Available † = If converting to a Q, T, or R model airend, an oil piping kit will be
shipped also”
Drill Rigs
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Weight (approx. lbs.) Notes
P90/2300 X4 100 35089366 35085661 190
P125 KG 85 42533497 36066140 110
P230 JK CF90 54523907 36066157 250
P230 KD CF90 54523899 36066165 250
P160/2300 A6 100 35073030 35349729 230
P125/2300 BF 85 36007839 36007193 110
P160/2100 BG 85 36007854 36007201 110
P175/2500 A6 100 35073030 35349729 230
P175/2500 P6,W5,X6 100 35089374 35356666 230
P185/2100 X7 100 35089390 35356674 100
P230/125 F1,Z6,BN,CN 127.5 36017317 36021319 250
HP230/130 P9,BP 127.5 36006013 35085943 250
P275/150 CZ 127.5 36022150 36038982 250
HP290 T2 178.5 35085067 35356682 770
P300/200 AC 178.5 35096494 35099175 770
P365/150 Z5 178.5 35094440 35099183 770
P425/200 CS 178.5 36018059 36019982 770
HP450/170 Y1 178.5 35090505 35091156 770
P600/100 Y3 178.5 35090653 35091164 770
P600/110 BX 178.5 36010254 36014082 770
P600/125 Z4 178.5 35093665 35099191 770
DAMCO-275 G3 178.5 35066869 35356732 750
DAMCO-450 G4 226 35066877 35356740 1200
DAMCO-625 G5 226 35066885 35356757 1200
P450 AP 226 35098243 35099209 1200
P450(WW) GD 226 42464800 36049898 1370
P600 A0 226 35098235 35099217 1200
P600(WW) GC 226 42464792 36049906 1370
Drill Rigs (continued)
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Weight (approx. lbs.) Notes
P750 AN 226 35098227 35099225 1200
P750(WW) GB 226 42464784 36049914 1370
P900 AM 226 35098219 35099233 1200
P900(WW) GA 226 42464776 36049922 1370
P1050 AL 226 35098201 35099241 1200
P1050(WW) FZ 226 42464768 36049930 1370
P1200 GL 226 42470781 36049948 1370
HP600-Garland 48,86,G1,J8 226/163 35078229 35349828 1550
HP600-Cyclone 48,86,G1,J8 226/163 35078203 35349562 1550
HP600-Clarksburg 48,86,G1,J8 226/163 35078229 35349828 1550
HP750(750cfm @ 2100rpm or 600 cfm @ 1800rpm)
82,K5,Q8 255/204 35084417 35349026 2680 †
HP750(electric drive, internal gears)
89,L2,R5 255/204 35084474 35356765 2680 @
HL750(internal gears, only for HL600 and gear box conversion)(Complete kit 35078369) @
L5 226/163 35078377 35356773 1770
XHP750(a/e only for 3 stage R600 conversion)(Complete kit 35078369)
87,J9 226/163 35078195 35349695 1770
HP900(900cfm @ 2100rpm or 750cfm @ 1800rpm)
83,K4,Q1 255/204 35083500 35349794 2680 †
VHP1050 79,K3,Q7 255/204 35084409 35349802 2680 †
(internal gears)
VHP1050 L7,R7,T8 255/204 35088038 35085752 2680 †
(series III) (for RD10)
HP900(50HZ) P3,R8 255/204 35084508 35085745 2680 †
XL600 U3 255 35088277 35088574 1545
XL750 55 255 35019611 35088582 1545
Ҡ = If converting from an earlier model to a Q, T, or R model airend, an oil piping kit will be shipped also.
@ See footnote 1 on Page 43″
Oil Field Rigs & Specialized Applications (cont.)
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Weight (approx. lbs.) Notes
XL750 T7 255 35087824 35088582 1545
XL900 60,H2 255 35085141 35085760 1545
XL750 T7 255 35087824 35088582 1545
XL900 T1 255 35087063 35088590 1545
XL1050 70,H4 255 35085158 35085778 1545
XL1050 W2 255 35088707 35091149 1545
XL1200 74,H5 255 35085166 35085786 1545
XL1200 U2 255 35088202 35088608 1545
XL1400 S5 255 35085505 35088616 1545
EXL750 60,H2 255 35069210 35085794 1545
EXL750/900 70,H4 255 35019835 35019835 1545
EXL900 H3 255 35069228 35085810 1545
EXL1050 74,H5 255 35028489 35085836 1545
EXL1050 H6 255 35083898 35085844 1545
EXL1050/1200 65 255 35022011 35085851 1545
EXL1200 CA 255 36011211 36020030 1545
EXL1200 H7 255 35069277 35085869 1545
EXL1400 G7 255 35069244 35085877 1545
EXL1400 M6 255 35080217 35085885 1545
EXL1400 H8 255 35069285 35085893 1545
EXL1400 M5 255 35080209 35085901 1545
PCD1400 FX 285 42467597 36049955 2910
PCD1600 AQ 285 35098052 35099258 2910
HP450AWIR ML 178.5 36084325 42593467 2910
VHP400AWIR MN 178.5 36084333 42593475 2910
PCD1800 AS 285 36000883 36006088 2910
PCD BJ 285 36001543 36006096 2910
Drill Rigs (continued)
Model Serial Code MM Size New IR Part # Rebuilt IR Part # Weight (approx. lbs.) Notes
PCD3000 HG 2 x 285 42477869 36054112 6400 ††
PCD3800 HF 2 x 285 42477851 36054104 6400 ††
PCD3800 (1475 RPM) LL 2 x 285 42489542 42593426 6400 ††
PCD2200 (1475 RPM) LM 2 x 285 42489559 42593434 6400 ††
PCD2200 (1800 RPM) LN 2 x 285 42489567 42593442 6400 ††
PCD350/1800 M7,EY 350 42441279 35085919 4900
PCD350/1800 M8,ET 350 42441311 35085927 4900
PCD350/1600 M9,ES 350 42441329 35085935 4900
PCD350/1600 W1,ER 350 42441337 35088624 4900
PCD350/1600 U9,EQ 350 42441345 35088632 4900
PCD350/2200 AK,EU 350 42441303 35099266 4900
PCD350/2600 CR,EX 350 42441287 36020048 4900
PCD350/2600 DH,EW 350 42441295 36038990 4900
HR2-600-2300 Y9 HR2 35091057 35091180 2140
HR2-600-2100 S8 HR2 35086339 35088640 2140
HR2-750-2100 S1 HR2 35086347 35088657 2140
HR2-825 X8 HR2 35089879 35091172 2140
HR2-900 S2 HR2 35086354 35088665 2140
HR2-1000 AJ HR2 35097575 35099274 2140
HR2-1050 BH HR2 36001535 36006104 2140
HR2.5-1250-2100 BV,CQ HR2.5 36017549 36020055 2140
HR2.5-1050 CV HR2.5 36020519 36020964 2140
HR2.5-1150-2100 KC HR2.5 42520700 36066173 2140
HR2.5-1250-1800 DG HR2.5 42420422 36039006 2140
HR2.5-870-1850 KB HR2.5 42535294 36066223 2140 †††
“†† = Used in Pit Viper (PV351)
††† = Used in ECM780″
1. The HL750 and XHP750 listed in the drill rig section are available only in the kits offered through Aftermarket. Airends can be purchased directly through the Airend Exchange program only upon “kit” airend failure.
2. XL-1 units are equipped with unloader.
XL-2 units are equipped with butterfly valve.
* Airend prices are subject to change without prior notification.
178.5mm Airend Piping Kits
For the following Airend sizes and applicable Airend serial codes, piping kits will be furnished with the replacement Airends.”
Model Serial Code IR Kit #
P300 A2 35089044
HP300 J3 35089036
HP320 S7 35089036
P335 A3 35089044
P375 J3 35089036
P425 A4 35089044
HP425 P8 35089044
P450 A5 35089044
HP450 P8 35089044
“XL Airend Adapter Plates (255mm)
In the past, all XL Airends were equipped with unloaders which called for a rectangular port hole on the rotor housing. Now, the butterfly valve is used and the Airend has a round port hole. When ordering a replacement XL Airend, the customer should inform the Customer Service Representatives as to which they have. In the event a customer is shipped the wrong style Airend, adapter plates can be used to remedy the problem.
1. 35787647 – Customer has machine with unloader but is shipped an Airend with round port hole. This plate is needed to adapt Airend.
2. 35904226 – Customer has machine with butterfly valve but is shipped an Airend with a rectangular port hole. This plate is needed to adapt Airend.
3. Below are the serial number breaks for XL units that went from XL-1 to XL-2 style housings.”
Unit Serial Number Unit Serial Number
DXL750 74208 EXL900 75473
DXL750S 74365 DXL1100 74207
DXL850 74373 DXL1100S 75197
DXL850S 75167 DXL1200 74427
DXL900 74436 DXL1200S 75133
DXL900S 74097 DXL1400 76700
DXLCU900 75327 DXLCA1200 77015
DXL1050 74172 EXL1200 77615
Oil Piping (General)
“Another item of great importance when ordering a replacement Airend is the method of oil line piping used on the particular unit. When installing your new or rebuilt replacement Airend, Never Guess at the proper way to pipe the Airend. If you are not certain of how the piping goes, contact Utility Equipment’s Field Service group.
1. 100 mm
In 1986, the above size Airends changed from external oil piping to internal piping, utilizing the rotor and bearing housings’ ports. The Airend serial codes changed as follows:
W7 to X4 W8 to X5 W5 to X6 W6 to X7
New style Airends will be shipped with all necessary parts and drawings for this change.
Tapered Roller Bearings
1. HP600/D750/D750S (Phase 1)
As of November 1977, the HP600, D750, D750S Airend (250 psi) were changed from contact ball bearings (Serial Code 48) to the new tapered roller bearing model (Serial Code
86). It should be noted that the new and old Airends will interchange. Parts for the old style Airend can be obtained but require additional lead time. The serial number break for the above was: Portable Compressor – 100366
Airend – 3839U7786
2. HP600/D750/D750S (Phase 2)
In October of 1979, the tapered roller bearing Airend (Serial Code 86) was changed to
the Phase 2 tapered (Serial Code G1). The Airends are interchangeable as complete units; many of the detailed parts are not interchangeable. Serial number break for the Airend is 4503U79G1.
3. XL Airends
As of March 1978, the complete line of XL Airends (600CFM-1400CFM) went to tapered
roller bearings. The Airend serial number break was 6291U78. The Airends are interchangeable as a unit but many of the detailed parts are not.
A kit is now available to change an old style ball bearing XL Airend to the new tapered roller bearing model. The part number for the kit is 35583566.
4. P100/125/175/185
On the above unit sizes, the Airends were changed to tapered roller bearings. Beginning with serial number 101836 or Airend serial number 6554U78, the Airends are the new style. The tapered style is the only one offered for sale. The units are interchangeable as a unit but some of the detailed parts are not.
5. High Pressure Airends (255/204 mm size)
These Airends changed to tapered roller bearings in September 1983. There is not a serial number break, but the serial codes changed to signify the difference. The Airends will interchange with the old style, but detailed parts may be different.
The following serial codes designate tapered roller bearings in the 255/204 design: Q1, Q7, Q8, Q9, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, T8.”
“Bearing Oil Cooler Kits
Beginning in November 1979, the above units had an Airend change which required the use of a small bearing oil cooler to be used in conjunction with the Airend. Serial number breaks for the units are as follows:
Unit serial number 113729 for the XHP750 line, and Airend serial number 5453U79G1 for the D750 line.
Kit numbers:
D750 – 35065325
D750S – 35065143
XHP750W – 35065283
XHP750S – 35065291
Note: The customer must purchase these oil cooler kits with the above Airends. There is no warranty on these Airends unless the kit is installed and operating.
Note: The Field Service Department has approved the use of these Airends without cooler kits if approved synthetic lubricant is used in the Airend after installation.
High Pressure Airends
In January 1982, all high pressure Airends (250 psi and above) went through extensive engineering changes. The Airends took an o-ring seal between the housings along with
o-ring hose fittings. The serial codes of the Airends affected changed at this time. Airends will interchange as complete units but many of the parts will not.
HR-2 Over/Under Airends
1. This Airend underwent a change in the oil pump area which affected the rotor set, oil pump, oil pump coupling and associated hardware. The serial number breaks were: 8661U85S2 and 9529U86S1
2. This Airend also had a change in the front drive shaft area which affected the drive shaft, gear case, bearings, spacers and associated hardware. The serial number break was 9770U87S2.
3. The HR-2 Airends changed from a single lube filter arrangement (35367879) to a dual filter system (36860336). The serial number break was 3087U88 and XHP750SCAT S/N 170842.
4. All HR-2 Airends are furnished “less coupling.”
5. Steel tubing. Reference Technical Service Bulletin PC-8-011 for replacing steel tubing with flexible hoses.
6. Rotary Shaft Seal. Effective with Airend serial number 9965U96, rotary seal 36865475 began to be used. This style is identified by an anti-rotation pin installed in the seal cover.
The previous design can be identified by an anti-rotation pin installed in the stationary member of the seal that matches a slot in the seal cover. This design also has a visible snap ring at the front of the seal cover.
CE128 Airends
In December of 2005, Ingersoll Rand decided to discontinue the manufacturing of the
Rev. C, 4/2008 Compressor Page 47″
“CE128 to improve the efficiency of rotor manufacturing operations. The following field
installable kits have been designed to continue the support of machines that use this discontinued airend:”
Compressor “Compressor
Model Serial Code” “Discontinued
A/E Serial Code” Conversion IR Kit Part #
HP450WIR 279 LG 44003853
VHP400WIR 289 LH 44003861
P425AWIR 081 KW 44003887
HP375AWIR 085 KY 44003895
XP375AWIR 080 KX 44003903
VHP300AWIR 086 KZ 44003911
“These kits include detailed instructions on how to convert a machine with a CE128 airend to a 178.5mm airend.
178.5mm and 226mm Airends
1. Both of these Airends had a drive shaft change in 1988. The old style shaft used a snap ring for placement while the new style uses a clamping plate.
2. The 226mm Airend changed rotor housing styles at serial number 7355U88C6. This affected the housing and front and rear gaskets.
3. The 226mm Airend changed front seal covers at 6173U88. This also changed the oil feed line from the gear case to its new location in the seal cover.
285mm Airends
1. Airends for the P1600BWGM family (Airend serial codes U6, U7, U8) were originally built without oil pumps. To improve Airend lubrication, oil pumps have been installed in some units in the field.
2. Effective 12/1/99 (serial number 0212U99), the rotor set and female inlet bearing changed. Airend serial codes did not change. Airends will interchange as complete units, but these individual parts will not.
350mm Airends
1. This Airend had a change to the gear case, drive shaft and drive shaft bearing. New Airend serial codes were released at the time of the change. An oil supply line at the gear
case also changed.”
Compressor Page 48 Rev. C, 4/2008
“Genuine Ingersoll Rand Airend Kits contain all parts needed to rebuild your portable compressor airend to its original specification.
These kits contain the following:
Complete Set of Bearings
These bearings are designed to meet Ingersoll Rand specified alignments allowing varying thrust loads to be distributed properly during compression cycles. Genuine Ingersoll
Rand bearings are finished ground to exact specifications.
Complete Set of Gaskets, Shims and Specialty O-Rings
Specially designed shims to assure exact rotor thrust clearance. Gaskets and o-rings are manufactured with materials compatible with Ingersoll Rand lubricants.
Reliability and performance are the main reasons customers prefer Ingersoll Rand Portable
Compressor Airend Rebuild Kits.
Will-fit bearings, seals and o-rings are not recommended to be used in Ingersoll Rand Portable Compressor Airends. Decreased product life will occur if improper parts are replaced within our Airend.
Rev. C, 4/2008 Compressor Page 49″
1. This kit is used on units after S/N 4214U81. On units between S/N 4214U81 and 2879U82, the front oil seal cover will also need to be replaced.
2. This kit is used on units after S/N 6553U78.
3. This kit is to be used on units from S/N 6554U78 through 4214U81.
4. This kit is used on units between S/N 0206U81 and 8700U82. On units after S/N 5135U81, the front and rear oil seal covers must be replaced.
5. This kit is used on F1 units only after S/N 8700U82.
6. Front oil seal cover must also be changed on units prior to S/N 8008U81.
7. Front oil seal cover must also be changed on units prior to S/N 7639U81.
8. Use the kit on airends prior to S/N 4917U78.
9. Front oil seal cover must also be changed on units before S/N 0385U81.
10. On units before S/N 0385U81, the front and rear oil seal covers must be replaced. Use the kit on airends after S/N 4197U78.
11. Front seal cover will have to be changed to new version on airends prior to S/N 3599U82.
12. This kit will only work on airends with a serial number above 5185U79. On units below S/N 3603U82, the front seal cover will have to be changed.
13. The front oil seal cover must also be changed on units between S/N 6291U78 and 7318U81. This kit will not work on units prior to 291U78.
14. The front oil seal cover will also have to be replaced on units prior to serial number 3776U82.
15. For units with airends prior to S/N 6688U89, spacers 36771863 must be ordered and installed with new 2nd stage female rotor input bearing.
16. Front and rear oil seal covers must also be changed on airends prior to 5031U82. This kit can only be used on airends built prior to S/N 0212U99.
17. This kit can only be used on airends built prior to S/N 0212U99.
18. This kit can only be used on airends built after S/N 0221U99.
19. For units prior to S/N 2113U95, front seal covers 39859186 and lubricant 36870418 must be ordered. For units built prior to Sept. 1996, one 39583471 spacer must be ordered to fit with the new male rotor inlet bearing.
20. This kit will work on airends prior to S/N 9770U87, drive shaft and front bearing have been changed to latest version. Use on units prior to S/N 9965U96 only if the gear case, drive shaft and front bearing have been changed to latest version. This kit contains the latest version of rotary shaft seal. On units prior to S/N 9965U96, a new seal cover (39860192) will have to be ordered (unless the new version seal and cover have already been installed).
21. 36024040 uses, shaft seal
39919485, 44008746 uses seal 36865772″
CE128 36065613 JQ,JR,JS,JT,JU
CF90 36065605 HJ,JK,KD
100 36024073 A6,C1,CM,P6,P7,S9,W5,W6,X6,X7 1
100 36024081 A1,J5,Q4,W4,W7,W8,X4,X5 2
100 36024248 A6,C1,CM,P6,P7,S9,W5,W6,X6,X7 3
127.5 36024255 F1 4
127.5 36024263 32
127.5 36024271 27 5
127.5 36024289 BL,F1
127.5 36024297 BN,BP,CN,CZ,FC,FD,P9,Z6
178.5 36024305 BX,CS,Z4,Z5
178.5 36024313 CA,T3,T4,T5,T6,Y1,Y3 6
178.5 26024321 J3 7
178.5 36024339 A2,A4,A5,P8
178.5 36024347 06,28,29
178.5 36024354 AD,S7,T2
178.5 36024362 G3
178.5 36024370 BZ,BY,EP,GK
226 36024388 07,08,22,24,26
226 36024396 A7,A8,A9,B3,B8,B9 8
226 36027686 DJ,DR,DS,DU,EM,EN,FB,FH
226 36024404 CW,CX,DA,DB,EZ,FA,FF,FG,FJ,FK
226 36024412 CD,CE,CG
226 36024420 F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,G9,P1,P2,P4,01,02,03 9
226 36024438 A8,B8,B9,C6,D1,D2,D8,E8,E9,R9,S3,S4 10
226 36048452 FL,FP,FQ,FR,FS,FT,FU,FB,FW,FY,GS
226 36049971 FZ,GA,GB,GC,GD,GL
226 36024446 AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,G4,G5
226/163 36024495 G1,J8 11
226/163 36024503 23,34,87,J9,K1,K2,L5 12
255 36024065 55,60,65,70,74,CA,G7,H2,H3,H4 H5,H6,H7,H8,M5,M6MS5,T1,T7,U2,U3,W2 13
255 36024453 52,55,57,58,60,70,72,74,D3,D5,F8,J4 13
255/204 36024032 K3,K4,K5,K6,K7,K8,K9,L1,L2,L4 14
255/204 36024057 Q1,Q7,Q8,Q9,R1,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8 15
255/205 36024511 T8
255/206 36047413 79,82,83,84,89,C3,C4,D6,D9,L3,L7 14
285 36024461 C7,C8,C9,U6,U7,U8 16
285 36024479 AH,AQ,AS,AT,BJ,DT,Z2,Z7,Z8,Z9 17
285 36054161 AH,AQ,AS,AT,BJ,DT,FX,Z2,Z7,Z8,Z9 18
350 36047926 EQ,ER,ES,ST,EU,EW,EX,EY
350 36024487 AK,CR,DH,M7,M8,M9,U9,W1 19
HR2 36024040 AA,AG,AJ,BH,JW,JX,JY 20,21
HR2 44008746 AA,AG,AJ,BH,JW,JX,JY
HR2.5 36039519 CQ,CV,DG,HN,JN,JP,KB,KC 20,21
Compressor Page 50 Rev. C, 4/2008
“Safety Check Valve
– Designed for maximum performance and service within the correct CFM rating.
– The CFM output is the controlling factor affecting the proper operation of a safety check valve.
– Use only specific valve made to control the CMF range for proper performance.
– No single valve can properly handle all of the variable factors during normal service.
– Each valve is equipped with a spring to precisely control a limited range of compressor air output volume.
– Operating within this range, a safety check valve will react instantly and automatically to hose failure and accidental uncoupling, eliminating dangerous hose whip.
– Its tamperproof construction is of solid brass with stainless steel springs.
– When ordering an Ingersoll Rand safety check valve:
¨ Determine the CFM rating of the compressor
¨ Always consider the size of the valve must be the same size as the air hose
¨ Max pressure rating 375PSIG”
“Machine Size CFM Size (NPT) IR Part #
55-70 3/4″” 23202146″
75-95 3/4” 35363795
75-95 3/4″ 23202153
100-125 3/4” 35364371
130-140 3/4” 23203161
145-155 3/4″ 35364389
150-185 1” 35363803
160-185 3/4” 35364397
200-250 1” 35364405
300-325 1” 35364413
365-375 1” 35364421
365-375 1 1/2” 35363829
450-500 1 1/2” 35364439
600-635 1 1/2” 35364447
750-850 1 1/2” 35364454
600-635 2” 35363837
“750-850 2” 35364462
900-1050 2” 35364470″
1050-1300 2” 35364488
1100-1300 3” 35363845
1350-1500 3” 43207034
1600-1800 3” 35364496
2000-2500 3” 35364504
Ball Valves – Single
IR Part # Inlet Size Outlet Size
35581792 1/2” NPT Female 1/2” NPT Female
35576115 3/4” NPT Female 3/4” NPT Female
35576123 1” NPT Female 1” NPT Female
35590181 1 1/4” NPT Female 1 1/4” NPT Female
35612126 1 1/4” NPT Female 1 1/4” NPT Female (vented)
35602473 2” NPT Female 2” NPT Female
36856045 2” NPT Female 2” NPT Female (2 outlets)
36922987 2” NPT Female 2” NPT Female (2 outlets with lockable feature)
36755718 3” NPT Female 3” NPT Female
36922995 3” NPT Female 3” NPT Female (with lockable feature)
Ball Valves – Double
IR Part # Inlet Size Outlet Size
36881076 1 1/4” NPT Female 1 1/4” NPT Female (2)
“Air Line Lubricators With Relief Valve
Inexpensive way to keep air tools operating at peak efficiency.
– Reduce costly repairs and downtime.
– Adjustable feed allows adaptability to all climates and conditions.”
Capacity Size IR Part # Size IR Part #
2-Quart 1 1/4” NPT 35356252
1-Quart 1 1/4” NPT 35255025
1-Pint 1” NPT 35364322 1” BSP 35371129
1/2-Pint 3/4” NPT 35364314 3/4” BSP 35371111
1/3-Pint 3/4” NPT 35364306 3/4” BSP 35371103
1-Quart 1” NPT 35371251
3-Gal. 2 1/2” NPT 36874725
6-Gal. 2 1/2” NPT 36874733
Service Repair Kits (fits only 35371251) “IR Part #
Filler Relief Cap with Relief Valve (fits all except 35371251) 35609064
Sight Glass w/o-ring (fits all except 35371251) 35380989
O-Ring (35255025 and 35356252) 35380948
Gasket (35371251) 35380930
Oil control flow valve (fits all) 36138113
Discharge Air Muffler
“- Silence your discharge air and lower your shop noise level.
– Manufactured to meet Ingersoll Rand Company’s specifications.
– Identical to the muffler we use in our test area.
– Constructed of Heavy Duty Wire and Casting components for longer life.
We offer the following sizes:”
IR Part # Size Max Pressure (psi)
35370949 1/2” 175
35370956 3/4” 175
35370964 1” 175
35370972 1 1/4” 175
35370980 1 1/2” 175
35370998 2” 175
35371004 3” 175
36922789 2” 250
36922771 3” 425
Hitch Adapters
1″ “Description
Body” “IR Part #
Not sold seperately”
2 Flange bolt 35131440
3 Lock washer 95081808
4 Hex nut 95084778
5 Loop handle nut 35131457
6 Bolt 35131465
7 Lock washer 95081790
8 Spring 35131481
9 Lip 35131499
36509073 36505402
22576912 35611748″
“Swing Check Valves
– Specifically designed valves to prevent backflow of air and protect your compressor.
Synflex Hose & Fittings (used on regulation lines)”
Size IR Part # PSI Steam Rating Material
3/4” 95287637 150 lbs. Bronze
1” 95286727 150 lbs. Bronze
1 1/4” 95279667 150 lbs. Bronze
1 1/2” 95394336 150 lbs. Bronze
2” 95294344 150 lbs. Bronze
2 1/2” 95286795 150 lbs. Bronze
3” 95286779 150 lbs. Bronze
3” 36850428 300 lbs. Bronze
3” 43207034 300 lbs. Ductile Iron
IR Part # Description Qty in Kit
35333715 1/4” SYNFLEX Tubing 480”
35356484 3/8” SYNFLEX Tubing 480”
35356567 Tee Run 1⁄4 NPT X 3/8 4
35356567 Tee Run 1⁄4 NPT X 3/8 4
35369339 Female 1⁄4 NPT X 3/8 straight 4
35369347 Male 1⁄4 NPT X 3/8 straight 4
35369354 Male 1⁄4 NPT X 3/8 elbow 4
35369362 Male 1⁄4 NPT X 1/4 elbow 4
35369370 Male 1/8 NPT X 1/4 elbow 4
35369388 Female 1/8 NPT X 1/4 elbow 4
35369396 Male 1/8 NPT X 3/8 tee 4
35369503 Male 1/4 NPT x 3/8 tee 4
35370386 Male 1/8 NPT x 3/8 elbow 4
35373976 Tee 1/4 NPT x 3/8 4
35374701 Tee 1/8 MP x 1/8 x 1/4 4
35374859 Tee 1/8 MP x 3/8 x 3/8 4
35380955 Tubing cutter 1
“All of the above fittings and tubing are included
in a convenient kit: 36006237″
“Bare IR
Unit Coupling Coupling Kit Notes”
P100WD 35814375
P100AWD-P100CWD P100DWD-P100EWD-P100FWD 36767689 “35099290
P100WW-P100AWW-P100BWW 35843952 *35082379
P100WWU-P100AWWU 35843952 *35082379
P100WF-P100AWF 36773513 *36001501
P100BWF P100WJD 36850097 “36012227
P130WJD-P130AWJD” 54612213 *36001527 For Units with Metal Fan
P130BWJD-P130CWJD-P130DWJD “*36063261
*36063261″ For Units with Plastic Fan
P130WD P130AWJDU “*36063386
P135WIR 54612213
P160BWJD-P160CWJD-P160DWJD” “*36063261
P175WW-P175AWW-P175BWW 35843952 *35082379
P175WWU-P175AWWU 35843952 *35082379
“P175WDU-P175AWDU P175WD-P175AWD-P175BWD P175CWD-P175DWD
P175BWJD-P175CWJD-P175DWJD” “*36063386
P100WFU-P175WFU 36773513 *36001501
P185WJD-P185AWJD-P185BWJD P185CWJD-P185DWJD-P185EWJD” “*36063261
P250WIR-P260WIR VHP300WIR” 35834779 “*36063493
P300WGM 35834779 *35068774
VHP300WD-VHP300AWD 35834779 36017663
Unit Bare Coupling “IR
Coupling Kit” Notes
HP300WCU-HP300AWCU-HP300BWCU 35834779 36017671
HP300WJD 35834779 36017671
P335WD 35834779 *35068774
HP365WIR 35834779
P375WD-P375AWD 35834779 36017663
HP375AWD 35834779 36017663
P375WCU-P375AWCU-P375BWCU 35834779 36017671
P375WJD 35834779 36017671
XP375WIR 35834779
HP375WJD 35834779
VHP400WCU-VHP400AWCU 35834787 36017689
XP400AWD 35834779 36017663
P425WGM 35834779 *35068774
P425AWD 35834779 36017663
P425WIR 35834779
P450SCA 35834779 *35068774
HP450WCU-HP450AWCU 35834787 36017689
XP525WCU-XP525AWCU 35834787 36017689
HP525WGM-HP525AWGM-HP525BWGM 35834779 *35068774
HP525CWGM 35834787
XP600WGM-XP600AWGM-XP600BWGM 35834779 *35068774
XP600CWGM 35834787
HP600WGM-HP600AWGM-HP600BWGM 35834787
P600WCU-P600AWCU 35834787 36017689
XP600WCU-XP600AWCU 35834787 36017697
HP600WCU-HP600BWCU-HP600CWCU 35834787 36017697
HP600WJD 35834787 36017697
XHP600SCAT 36730380 36017713
XHP650WCAT-XHP650AWCAT 36730380 36017713
P700WGM-P700AWGM-P700BWGM 35834787 *35068774
XP750BWGM” 35834787
P750WCU-P750AWCU 35834787 36017697
HP750CWCU” 35834795 36017705
HP750WJD 35834795 36017705
XP750BWCU-XP750CWCU 35834787 36017697
XP750WJD 35834787 36017697
VHP750WCAT-VHP750AWCAT 35834795
VHP750WCU 35834795
XHP750SCAT 36730380 36017713
XHP750WCAT-XHPAWCAT 36730380 36017713
XHP750BWGM” 35834795
XHP750SGM 35834795
XP825CWCU” 35834795 36017705
XP825WJD 35834795 36017705
HP825DWCU” 35834795 36017705
XHP825WCAT-XHPAWCAT 36730380 36017713
Unit Bare Coupling “IR
Coupling Kit” Notes
VHP825WCU 35834795 36017705
VHP850WCAT-VHP850AWCAT 35834795 36017705
P850WGM-P850AWGM-P850BWGM 35834787
HP850WGM-HP850AWGM-HPBWGM 35834795
P900WCU-P900AWCU-P900BWCU 35834795 36017705
HP900WCAT-HP900AWCAT 35834795 36017705
XP900DWCU” 35834795 36017705
XP900WGM-XP900AWGM-XP900BWGM 35834795
XHP900SCAT 36730380 36017721
XHP900WCAT-XHPAWCAT 36730380 36017721
HP915WCU 35834795
HP935WCU 35834795 36017705
XP1000WCAT-XP1000AWCAT 35834795 36017705
XP1000WCU 35834795
HP1000AWCU-HP1000BWCU-HP1000CWCU 36783710 36017739
XP1050WCU 35834795 36017705
XHP1070WCAT 36783710 36017739
XHP1070AWCAT 54540141
XHP1070SCAT 36783710
P1100WGM-P11000AWGM-P1100BWGM 36783710
XHP1170WCAT 54540141
XHP1170WCU 54540141
XP1200AWCU-XP1200BWCU-XP1200CWCU 36783710 36017739
HP1300WGM-HP1300AWGM-HP1300BWGM 36783710
P1300AWCU-P1300BWCU-P1300CWCU 36783710 36017739
HP1300WCU-HP1300AWCU-H1300BWCU 36783710 36017739
HP1300CWCU 54540141
XP1400WCU-XP1400AWCU-XP1400BWCU 36783710 36017739
XP1400WGM-XP1400WGM-XP1400BWGM 36783710
NHP1500WCU 54740691
P1600WGM-P1600AWGM-P1600BWGM 36783710
P1600WCU-P1600AWCU-P1600BWCU 36783710 36017739
HP1600CWCU 54540141
Hose Reels
“Hose Reel Kits include:
• OSHA safety valves
• All fittings
• Manual cutoff valve
• Grease fittings”
Determine what type of drawbar the unit has before using this chart.
Drawbar Type Hose Reel Kit Hose Reel Type Applicability
“T” Type 36027118 Single P100 thru P125
“T” Type 35095959 Single P130 thru P185
“T” Type 36027126 Double P100 thru P125
“T” Type 35095967 Double P130 thru P185
“T” Type 35095991 Single P250WD
“T” Type 35096007 Single P250WD
Fixed “A” Frame 36027134 Single P100WF; P125WF
Fixed “A” Frame 36027142 Double P100WF; P125WF
Fixed “A” Frame 35097187 Single P130WJD; P130AWJD
Fixed “A” Frame 35097195 Double P130WJD; P130AWJD
Fixed “A” Frame 35097203 Single P130/160BWJD; P130/160CWJD;
P175A, B, C, DWD; P185WD;
P185A, B, C, DWJD;
P250A, BWD; P250AWJD
Fixed “A” Frame 35097211 Double
Fixed “A” Frame 35097260 Single VHP300 thru P425WD;
Fixed “A” Frame 35097278 Double P250BWJD; HP300/375WJD;
XP375WIR; P425WIR; P250, AWCU;
HP300/375AWCU; HP365WIR;
HP300/375BWCU; VHP300WIR;
Fold-up “A” Frame 36042976 Single P100FWD; P100WJD;
Fold-up “A” Frame 36042984 Double
Fold-up “A” Frame 36043024 Single P125FWD; P130WD;
Fold-up “A” Frame 36043040 Double
Fold-up “A” Frame 36043032 Single P160DWJD; P175DWJD;
P185AWD; P185EWJD; P185WIR;
P185AWIR; P250CWJD; P250WIR;
Fold-up “A” Frame 36043057 Double
Fold-up “A” Frame 36099489 Single Airsource and Airsource Plus
(internal to enclosure)
Compressor Page 58 Rev. D, 07/2008
“These dealer installed options apply to the following machines:
Airsource AirSource Plus IR AirSource Plus JD P160BWIR (Serial Code B01) P185BWIR (Serial Code B02) P185FWJD (Serial Code B10)
IR Part # Options
36099489 Internal, retractable hose reel for 25’ round hose 36099679 Add-on, external, lockable tool storage 36099505 One Quart Oiler
36098945 Canopy Replacement Kit 36099497 Two Quart Oiler
36099810 Oil Temperature By-pass Valve 36099778 Bumper
44001337 Engine Block Heater IR
44003259 Field Kit – Fullgage Panel IR Engine 36099935 Engine Block Heater JD
44003267 Field Kit – Fullgage Panel JD Engine 44001352 Field Kit for 2 Pos. Gas Spring
22808703 JD4024T Long Dipstick Field Kit 44001360 Field Kit for Overcenter Latch & Handle”
“Platinum w/JD4024T
These dealer installed options apply to the following machines:
P185GWJD (Serial Code B34) and P185GWJDR (Serial Code B73)
IR Part # Options
44004356 Fuel Level Gage W/Shut Down 44004364 IR Fuel/Water Separator 44004372 Tach
44004380 Engine Block Heater
44004398 4in1 Gage
44004406 Gage Illumination
44004414 Diagnostic Panel W/Fuel Shutdown
44004422 Diagnostic Panel W/Fuel Shutdown & Air Filter Change Light 44004430 Spark Arrestor”
“Neptune (250cfm Utility Mount)
These dealer installed options apply to the following machines:
P250WJDU (Serial Code A23) and P250WJDU w/aux drive (Serial Code A39)
IR Part # Options
44007722 Electric Start/Run Kit”
Rev. C, 4/2008 Compressor Page 59
Platinum and Pluto Models (with metal end panel)
Fuel Level Gauge/Shut Down 36042752 36042752 3 6042752 36042752 36042752
“*Tachometer 36042778
*4 in 1 Gauge (Eng. Oil Pressure, Voltmeter, Eng. Water Temp.,” †36042778 36042778 36042778
Disch. Temp.) 36042786 see below 36042802 36042802 54517065
*Diagnostic Panel 36042810 36042810 36042810 36042810 36042810
Gauge Illumination 36033934 36033934 36033934 36033934 36033934
Keyed Ignition 36042828 36042828 36042828 36042828 36042828
Eng. Block Heater 36010221 †36007375
Manual Cold Start (Ether) 36036051 †36036051
Auto Cold Start (Ether) 36042844 †36042844 36042836 36042836
Fuel/Water Sep. Filter 36042851 •36042851 36042851 36042851
Spark Arrestor 36006849 36006849 36006914 36006914 36006849
License Plate Light 36042869 36042869 36042869 36042869 36042869
for 2 Light System Water/Air Sep. Filter 35353713 35353713 35353713 35353713 35353713
(1 1/4” NPT; 250psi Max; 175˚F)
“* Option Harness 36042877 is required for these kits.
† Available on John Deere units only
• Comes as standard equipment on I-R engine powered units 4 in 1 Gauge Option: P185EWJD – 36042794
4 in 1 Gauge Option: P185WIR – 54517065
4 in 1 Gauge Option: P250CWJD – 54517057
4 in 1 Gauge Option: P250WIR – 54517065″
Platinum and Pluto Models (with plastic end panel)
Fuel Level Gauge/Shut down 36067957 36067957 36067957 36067957 36067957
*Tachometer 36067965 36067981 36067973 36067973 36067965
*4 in 1 Guage 36067932 36067940 36067940 36068013 36068021
*Diagnostic Panel 36068005 36068005 36068005 36068005 36068005
“(With Fuel Level Gauge)
*Diagnostic Panel” 36067999 36067999 36067999 36067999 36067999
(With Fuel Level Gauge and Filter Indicator Light)
Guage Illumination 36067882 36067882 36067882 36067882 36067882
†Eng. Block Heater see below 36067890 36067890 36067980 36007375
Manual Cold Start (Ether) 36036051 36036051
Auto Cold Start (Ether) 36042844 36042844
Fuel/Water Sep. Filter 36042851 36042851
Spark Arrestor 36006849 36006849 36006849 36006849 36006849
Electromechanical Hour Meter 36067924 36067924 36067924 36067924 36067924
Option Harness 36067908 36067916 36067916 36067916 36067908
Ҡ 36010221 for P100WJD thru P175DWJD: 36002715 for P185EWJD.
* Option Harness must be installed for these kits.”
Omega Models
P250 P300 P375
359 349, 358 411, 025 026 412, 413 414
Fuel Level Gauge 36042760 36042760 36042760 36042760 36042760 3 6042760
*4 in 1 Gauge
(Eng. Oil Pressure,
Voltmeter, Eng. Water
Temp., Disch. Temp.) 36042794 36042786 36042786 36042794 36042786 36042794
*Tachometer 36042778 36042778 36042778 36042778 36042778 36042778
*Diagnostic Panel 36042810 36042810 36042810 36042810 36042810 36042810
Gauge Illumination 36033934 36033934 36033934 36033934 36033934 36033934
Key Ignition 36042828 36042828 36042828 36042828 36042828 36042828
Eng. Block Heater 36007375 36033157 36033157 36007375 36033157 36007375
Eng. Block Heater
with Battery Heater 36034064 36014983 36014983 36034064 36014983 36034064
Spark Arrestor 36033033 36033033 36033124 36033124 36033124 36033124
Fuel/Water Sep. Filter 36033538 36033538 36033538 36033538 36033538
License Plate Light
for 2 light system 36034411 36034411 36034411 36034411 36034411 36034411
Aftercooler with
Water Separator 36034338 36034338 36034346 36034346 36034346 36034346
Aftercooler with
Water Separator
And Reheater 36034353 36034353 36034361 36034361 36034361 36034361
†Aftercooler Single
Stage Filter 36034304 36034304 36034304 36034304 36034304 36034304
†Aftercooler Dual
Stage Filter 36034312 36034312 36034312 36034312 36034312 36034312
†Aftercooler Triple
Stage Filter 36034320 36034320 36034320 3 6034320 36034320 36034320
Water/Air Sep. Filter 35353713 35353713 35353713 35353713 35353713 35353713
“(11/4” NPT; 250psi Max; 175˚F)
* Option Harness 36042885 is required for these kits.
† Units must be equipped with aftercooler.”
Zenith Models
P290 P350 P375 P425
Serial Number 063 062 064 061 060
*4 in 1 Gauge 36068088 36068088 36068088 36068096 36068088
*Tachometer 36068104 36068104 36068104 36068112 36068104
Electromechanical Hour Meter 36067924 36067924 36067924 36067924 36067924
Option Harness 36068070 36068070 36068070 36068062 36068070
Spark Arrestor 36068047 36068047 36068047 36068047 36068047
Engine Block Heater 36068039 36068039 36068039 36007375 36068039
Cold Start 36068054
Fuel/Water Sep. Filter 36042851
“* Option harness is required for these kits.
Field Kits
Serial Numbers 047, 060, 061, 062, 063, 064, 757, 758″
ESA Wheel Chks 36065761
MSA Highway Light 36065779
Securable LTBL 36065787
MSA Spark Arrest 36065795
Dual Press Switch 36065803
IQ Piping IR 36070357
IQ Piping JD 36070365
Miscellaneous Options for Various Models
P375 P400 P450 P525
Serial Number 408 410 422 443 442
Cold Start (Ether) 35056118 36016962 36016962 36016962 36016962
Fuel Gauge (Panel) 35093186
A/C Eng. Oil Pan Heater 35337062
Tool Tray 35074731
Voltmeter (A)36769230 (B)36841153 (B)36841153 (B)36841153
Engine Temp. (A)36007466 (B)36007466 (B)36007466 (B)36007466
Engine Oil Pressure (A)36020600 (B)36020600 (B)36020600 (B)36020600
Tachometer (A)36007524 (B)36007524 (B)36007524 (B)36007524
“Discharge Temp.
*Aftercooler with Water Separator” “(A)36020592
36017788″ “(B)36020659
36017762″ “(B)36020659
36017762″ “(B)36020659
Aftercooler Stage 1 Filter 36016814 36016814 36016814 36016814
“A/C Powered Cold Start A/C Powered Cold Start w/Synthetic ATF Water/Air Sep. Filter
(11/4” NPT; 250psi Max; 175˚F)
Auto Start Kit” 36014983 36014991 †36025856
P600-P825 P825-P1050
Serial Number 522 720 721-746 707-709
Cold Start (Ether) 36016962
Voltmeter (B)36841153
Engine Temp. (B)36007466
Engine Oil Pressure (B)36020600
Tachometer (B)36007524
Discharge Temp. (B)36020659
*Aftercooler with
Water Separator 36017762
Aftercooler Stage
1 Filter 36016814
A/C Powered Cold Start 36016814 †36025856
Water/Air Sep. Filter 35353713
“(11/4” NPT; 250psi Max; 175˚F)
Auto Start Kit 36050058 36050672
Serial Number 673-692
A/C Powered Cold Start 36034213
A/C Powered Cold Start
w/Synthetic ATF 36034221
Water/Air Sep. Filter
(11/4” NPT; 250psi Max; 175˚F)
Auto Start Kit 36050813
NOTE: Special 8 gauge harness kit (A)36020626 or (B)36020618 is required for the above gauge kits where noted.
* Kits Come with extended drawbar
† For John Deere Units use 36025864.”
“Wool-Packed Separator Screens
The list below gives the length and diameter of all wool-pack separator screens for Ingersoll Rand Portable units. The length includes the entire pipe nipple and the diameter is of the wool-pack screen discs.”
Screen” “Complete
Length” Diameter
H11131TVC 39” 11 7/8”
H13585T 37 1/2” 7 7/8”
R26443T 20 3/8” 8 7/8”
35009281 371/4” 15 7/8”
35010768 14 1/8” 6 3/8”
35012673 13 5/8” 6 3/8”
35105725 27 15/16” 5 3/4”
35125541 35 1/2” 9 7/8”
35502756 39” 11 7/8”
35502764 39” 13 7/8”
35502772 41” 15 7/8”
35516251 29 13/16” 7 7/8”
35516269 28 1/8” 4 7/8”
35587377 (re-inforced) 39” 11 7⁄8”
“Wool-Packed Kits
Ingersoll Rand Utility Equipment Aftermarket is pleased to announce a complete line of wool-pack
kits. For the first time, a customer can repack his own wool separator screen. Listed below are the models affected, wool-pack kit part numbers and bare screens if needed.”
Model IR Wool-Packed Kit Bare Screen “Complete
Separator Element”
R85, RR85, RB125 35076256 H16478 35516269
R105, R125 35077338 H13658 35105725
RA125, R150, Unipac 150 35077346 35712579 35010768
R160 35076249 H25172 35516251
R250 3 5076173 R26443 R26443T
R315, R365 35076207 H11194 35125541
R600, L600, XL750, XL850 35076215 H11131 35502756*
HP600 35076264 35830587 35587377
L900, XL900, XL750S 35076223 H22360 35502764*
L1200, XL1200, XL1400 35076231 R26716 35502772*
D1750, D2000 35076181 35711688 35009281**
“* Elements now cross reference to commercial style elements.
** Commercial element 35577212 is available for these units.”
Rev. C, 4/2008 Compressor Page 63
“Vane Sets
The list below consists of all the different vane sets used in lR Portable Compressor Airends. Their exact length and width is given for identification.
(Vanes measured at longest and widest point)”
IR Part # Length (inches) Width (inches)
R85P110 (R85, RS85) 6.994 1.513
R125P110 (R125, R105) 8.488 1.490
R125P115 (R125, R105) 3.243 1.490
RA125P110 (RA125, R150) 9.985 1.490
RA125P115 (RA125, R150) 3.743 1.490
R210P110 11.234 1.8025
R210P115 4.241 1.8025
R250P110 12.981 1.8025
R250P115 4.866 1.8025
R315P110 16.980 1.8025
R315P115 6.364 1.8025
R365P110 14.482 2.115
R365P115 5.491 2.115
35105238 (R600) 23.224 2.115
35105246 (R600) 8.736 2.115
R900P110 23.224 2.115
R900P115 16.980 1.8025
35102094 (RR160) 7.867 1.8025
35101344 (RR85) 5.245 1.763
35104827 (RS125, RB125) 7.244 1.8025
“NOTE: Aluminum vanes are also available for the RR85 (35502491) and RR160 (35500750). These are not available in sets though, and must be ordered as eight individual items.
Miscellaneous Repair Kits”
Assembly Description IR Repair Kit IR Diaphragm Kit
35316405 Anti-rumble Valve 35325125
35355106 Pressure Regulator 35387919
35359090 Pressure Regulator 35387919
35373117 Master Cylinder 35376433
35598770 Min. Press. Valve 36006351
35607522 Pressure Regulator 35387901 35387919
35612399 Air Motor 35612407
35612415 Pressure Regulator 35612423
35780592 Transducer 35282540
36509446 Pressure Regulator 35387901 35387919
36781540 Pressure Regulator 35387901 35387919
36782886 Air Motor 35379668
36847952 Pressure Regulator 35387919
36896892 Pressure Regulator 36134542
Compressor Page 64 Rev. C, 4/2008
Vane Sets / Miscellaneous Repair Kits
“UL88 Regulator Repair Kits
Repair kits are available for all Mocksville built UL88 regulators. These kits contain the components necessary to overhaul the internals of the regulator. If you are not sure which kit to use, please
follow the descriptions of the kits given below.”
IR Kit Part # For Regulator Assembly (Valve P/N) Metering Pin Comments
35230093 (W92604) Metering pin diaphragm center hole – 21/32” dia.
35296961 36709699 Metering pin diaphragm center hole – 21/32” dia.
35216670 (W52536) 36701092 Metering pin diaphragm center hole – 7/16” dia.
35053800 36713659 Large internal spring is 1 1/2” long
35063643 36720217 Large internal spring is 2” long
36037471 36887396 Rotary drill applications only For regulator 36887396.
“UL89 Unloader Repair Kits
Repair kits include bushings, diaphragm, springs and seals.”
IR Kit Part # Airend Size Complete Unloader
36039527 85 mm N/A
36039535 100 mm 36718732; 35089721
35088798 127 mm, 178 mm 35060631
36039543 226 mm 36734515
36039550 285 mm 36729531
Rev. C, 4/2008 Compressor Page 65
Blowdown Valves / Discharge Size
“Blowdown Valve Diaphragm / Repair Kits
The listing below contains various blowdown valves and their corresponding repair kits or replacement diaphragm.”
Valve Repair Kit “Replacement
Diaphragm” “Diaphragm
35229939 35173897 6 hole – 6 sided
3 7/16” across
35120617 35297308 4 hole
2 1/8” x 2 1/4”
35245455 35284264 6 hole – 6 sided
3 1/2” across
35284272 6 hole – 6 sided
3 1/4” across
35307263 35289446
35322379 35379064
35335017 35379056
35373208 35373216 6 hole – 6 sided
3 5/16” across
35369149 35369156 2 7/8” circular diaphragm.
35501337 35192129 4 hole – 4 sided
3 3/16” across
36846376 36846582 (No Diaphragm)
36853653 36860849 4 hole – 4 sided
2 3/8” across
“Portable Compressor Discharge Sizes
The listing below gives the discharge size (ball valve or outlet, whichever is applicable) for all P-line compressors. This should be helpful when sizing hose, lubricators or O.S.H.A. safety check valves.
– 100 thru 250 CFM 3/4” NPT (Female)
– 300 thru 425 CFM 1 1⁄4” NPT (Female)
– P750WCU Family; P600WCU Family; AD55; AD85 2” NPT (Female)
– XP600CWGM Family; XP750BWGM Family 2 1/2” NPT (Female)
– All 1300, 1400, 1600 GM units 4” NPT (Female)
– All remaining 525 thru 1600 CFM units AD165; AF1600 3” NPT (Female)”
Compressor Page 66 Rev. C, 4/2008
Door keys and shocks
“Door Latches and Keys
The following list gives information concerning door latches used on the “P-Line” equipment.”
Door Latch Type Cylinder to Convert to Locking Key Dimensions
35279108 Locking N/A 35378355 “4 3/4” x 4” (with protruding “dog-ear”
where key hole is located.)”
35337096 Locking 35333657 35378355 4 3/4” x 4”
35608827 Non-Locking 35333657 35378355 4 3/4” x 4”(double punch out)
36504579 Non-Locking 35374362 35378363 4 3⁄4” x 4”(single punch out)
36755908 Non-Locking 35333657 35378355 4 3/4” x 4”
36793602 Non-Locking (Slam Type) 36794345 35612746
“Additional Notes:
-Locking cylinder which uses 502 key has small “dog leg” piece of metal attached to the back of it.
-All door latches are 4”x 4 3/4” except for 35279108 which has a protruding side where the locking cylinder is located.
-36755908 uses a large 4 1/2” catch plate on the back.”
“Gas Springs / Door Shocks
70lb gas spring (most commonly used)” “IR Part #
45lb gas spring (for access door on P250WD) 35600295
85lb gas spring 35600261
100lb gas spring 35083336
2 position gas spring (used on airsource) 22664577
Rev. C, 4/2008 Compressor Page 67
Compressor Page 68 Rev. C, 4/2008″
˚F Terminals
IR Part # Temp. Type Thread Color Type Number
35306174 100 N-C 3/8 NPT Olive Screw 1
35281286 160 N-C 1/2 NPT White Screw 1
35281278 205 N-C 1/2 NPT Orange Screw 1
35306067 207 N-O 1/2 NPT Black Screw 1
35358367 210 N-C 1/2 NPT Blue Screw 2
35604149 210 N-C 1/2 NPT White Screw 2
36864973 210 N-C 1/2-14 Black Screw 2
35294933 215 N-C 1/2 NPT Black Screw 1
35327980 215 N-C 1/2 NPT Black Screw 2
35371673 215 N-C 3/8 NPT Black Screw 2
35315670 220 N-C 3/8 NPT Black Spade 1
35326982 220 N-C 1/2 NPT Black Spade 1
35327691 220 N-C 1/2 NPT Red Screw 2
36793396 220 N-C 3/8-18 Black Spade 2
36880706 220 N-C 1/2-14 Red Spade 2
36868479 225 N-C 3/8-18 Black Spade 2
35511971 228 N-C 1/2 NPT White Screw 2
35511997 228 N-O 1/2 NPT Red Screw 2
35512011 228 N-C 1/2 NPT Orange Screw 2
36790798 228 N-C 1/2 NPT White Screw 2
36865624 228 N-C 1/2-14 White Spade 2
35514116 240 N-C 1/2 NPT Olive Screw 2
35514306 245 N-C 1/2 NPT Black Wires 2
35511989 248 N-O 1/2 NPT Blue Screw 2
35576636 248 N-C 3/4-16 Olive Screw 1
35577592 248 N-C 1/2 NPT Black Screw 2
35581719 248 N-O 3/4-16 Blue Screw 2
35590983 248 N-C 3/4-16 Red Screw 2
35596436 248 N-C 3/4-16 Black Spade 2
36790780 248 N-C 3/4-16 Red Screw 2
36865756 248 N-C 1/2-14 Black Spade 2
35572023 265 N-O 1/2 NPT Orange Screw 2
35574920 265 N-C 1/2 NPT Black Screw 2
35584820 265 N-C 3/4-16 Black Screw 1
36788503 266 N-C 14mm Blue Spade 2
IR Part # PSI Type Thread Type Number
36789469 2.5 N-O 1/8 NPT Wire 2
36865749 2.5 N-O 1/8-27 Spade 2
36757581 12 N-O 1/8 NPT Wire 2
36790764 12 N-O 1/8 NPT Dual Wire 2
36878379 12 N-O 1/8-27 Spade 2
35143080 20 N-O 1/8 NPT Screw 2
36757573 20 N-C 1/8 NPT Wire 2
36790772 20 N-C 1/8 NPT Dual Wire 2
35578590 25 N-O 1/8 NPT Screw 2
36843423 25 N-O 1/8 NPT Wire 2
35588326 43 N-O 1/8 NPT Spade 2
36788719 55 N-C 1/4 NPT Lug 2
The chart below should be used for easy reference for oil coolers and radiators.”
Model Cooler Type Radiator Comments
P90WIR 54451182 Alum 54428552
P100WW; P100AWW 36706190 Alum 35312164
P100BWW 35841725 Alum 35312164
P100WF 35841725 Alum 35312164
P100AWF 35841725 Alum 35312164
P100BWF 36760726 Alum 36760656
P100 thru P175 36760809 Alum 35312164
“(Ford utilities)
P100 thru P175″ 36760809 Alum 35312164
“(John Deere utilities)
P100 thru 175
(“A” Version J.D. utilities)” 36889780 Alum 36889772
P100, A, B, C Deutz 35841725 Alum None
P100DWD; P100EWD 36760726 Alum None 2 coolers required
P100FWD 36882934 Alum 2 coolers required
P100WJD 36882934 Alum 36881407
P110WIR 36882934 Alum 36880516
P125, P125A (White) 36706190 Alum 35312164
P125 (Ford) 35841725 Alum 35312164
P125AWF 35841725 Alum 35312164
P125BWF 36760726 Alum 36760656
P125BWW 36760809 Alum 35312164
P125, P125A (Deutz) 36715753 Steel None
36760809 Alum None Began at 130513
P125DWD 36760726 Alum None
P125WJD 36760809 Alum 35312164
P130WJD 36760809 Alum 35312164
P130AWJD 36760809 Alum 36755205
P130BWJD, P130CWJD 36775534 Alum 36776151
P130DWJD 36882934 Alum 36881407
P130WD 36882934 Alum 2 coolers required
P135WIR 36882934 Alum 36880516
P150, P150AWD 36715753 Steel None
36760809 Alum None Began at 130513
P150WJD 36760809 Alum 35312164
P150, P150AWW 36715753 Steel 35312164
36760809 Alum 35312164 Began at 130719
P160WJD 36760809 Alum 35312164
P160AWJD 36760809 Alum 35312164
P160BWJD, P160CWJD 36775534 Alum 36776151
P160DWJD 36882934 Alum 36881407
P160BWW 36760809 Alum 35312164
P175, P175AWW 36715753 Steel 35312164
36705325 Alum 35312164 Alum cooler no longer used
36760809 Alum 35312164 Began at 130719
P175BWW 36760809 Alum 35312164
P175, P175AWD 36715753 Steel None
36705325 Alum None Alum cooler no longer used
36760809 Alum None Began at 130513
Compressors (continued)
Model Cooler Type Radiator Comments
P175BWD 36760809 Alum None
P175CWD; P175DWD 36775534 Alum None
36776532 Alum
P175BWJD; P175CWJD 36775534 Alum 36776151
P175DWJD 36882934 Alum 36881407
XP175BWJD 36760809 Alum 35312164
P185, P185AWJD 36715753 Steel 35312164
36705325 Alum 35312164 Alum cooler no longer used
36760809 Alum 35312164 Began at 130789
P185BWJD 36760809 Alum 35312164
P185CWJD; P185DWJD 36775534 Alum 36776151
P185EWJD 36882934 Alum 36880516
P185WD 36775534 Alum For compressor
36776532 Alum For engine
P185AWD 36882934 Alum 2 coolers required
P185WJDU 36760809 Alum 35312164
P185AWJDU 36889780 Alum 36889772
P185WIR; XP185WIR 36882934 Alum 36880516
P250WD 36718286 Alum None Cooler phased out 8/15/80
36722858 Alum None Cooler phased in 8/15/80
P250AWD 36760957 Alum None
P250BWD 36760957 Alum None
P250SGM 36760957 Alum 36727600
P250WJD; P250AWJD 36793560 Alum 36793552
P250BWJD 36887669 Alum 36876233
P250CWJD 36887669 Alum 36889772
P250WIR; P260WIR 36887669 Alum 36889772
P250WCU 36887669 Alum 36876233
P250AWCU 36887669 Alum 36876233
VHP300WIR 54738893 Alum 22056386
P300WGM 36705002 Alum 36714087
HP300WD 36747111 Alum None
HP300AWD 36747111 Alum None
HP300WCU 36842938 Alum 36842920
HP300AWCU 36887669 Alum 36876233
HP300BWCU 36887669 Alum 36887651
HP300WJD 36887669 Alum 36876233
HP320WD 36705416 Alum None
P335WGM 36705416 Alum None
HP365WIR 54738893 Alum 22056386
XP375WIR 54616164 Alum 22056386
P375WD 36705416 Alum None
P375AWD 36705416 Alum None
P375WCU 36842938 Alum 36842920
P375AWCU 36887669 Alum 36876233
P375BWCU 36887669 Alum 36887651
P375WJD 36887669 Alum 36876233
HP375AWD 36747111 Alum None
HP375WJD 54738893 Alum 22056386
Model Cooler Type Radiator Comments
XP400AWD 36747111 Alum None
VHP400WCU 36842953 Alum 36842946
VHP400AWCU 36842953 Alum 36887644
P425WIR 54616164 Alum 22056386
P425AWD 36747111 Alum None
P425 35995901 Steel 35996354 Back to back arrangement
36703791 Alum 36714087 Side by side arrangement
HP425CAT 36711232 Alum 36711240
P450WCAT 36711232 Alum 36711240
HP450WCU 36842953 Alum 36842946
HP450AWCU 36842953 Alum 36887644
HP525 36703767 Alum 36708204
HP525A, B, C 36717643 Alum 36715464 Side by side arrangement
36711737 Steel 36711729 Back to back arrangement
XP525WCU 36842953 Alum 36842946
XP525AWCU 36842953 Alum 36887644
HP600, A, B WGM 36715605 Alum 36715464 Side by side arrangement
36711737 Steel 36711729 Back to back arrangement
P600WCU 36842953 Alum 36842946
P600AWCU 36842953 Alum 36887644
XP600 35997741 Steel 35997618
36703767 Alum 36708204
XP600A, B, C WGM 36717643 Alum 36715464 Side by side arrangement
36711737 Steel 36711729 Back to back arrangement
HP600, A, BWCU 36864320 Alum 36864585
HP600CWCU 36866200 Alum 36866192 Used thru late 1995.
36877280 Used 1996 and above.
Has 90˚ bypass tube elbow
on bottom tank.
HP600WJD 36866200 Alum 36866192 Used thru late 1995.
36877280 Used 1996 and above. Has
90˚ bypass tube elbow on
bottom tank.
XP600, AWCU 36864320 Alum 36864585
XHP650, AWCAT 36883684 Alum 36757540
P700 35997741 Steel 35997618
36703767 Alum 36708204
P700A, B, C 36717643 Alum 36715464 Side by side arrangement
36711737 Steel 36711729 Back to back arrangement
XP750, A, BWGM 36715605 Alum 36715464 Side by side arrangement
36711737 Steel 36711729 Back to back arrangement
36716140 Steel Dun-Bush Option
XP750BWCU 36864320 Alum 36864585
XP750CWCU 36866200 Alum 36866192 Used thru late 1995.
“36877280 Used 1996 and above. Has
90˚ bypass tube elbow on bottom tank.”
Model Cooler Type Radiator Comments
XP750WJD 36866200 Alum 36866192 Used thru late 1995.
36877280 Used1996 and above. Has
90˚ bypass tube elbow on
bottom tank.
XHP750SGM 36747137 Steel 36711844 Rad. core section 35300698
XHP750, AWCAT 36883684 Alum 36757540
XHP750SCAT 36747137 Steel 36787588
XHP750, A, BWGM 36747137 Steel 36711844 Rad. core section 35300698
36720076 Alum 36711844
P750, AWCU 36864320 Alum 36864585
HP750, A, BWCU 36864320 Alum 36864585
HP750CWCU 36866200 Alum 36877280
HP750WJD 36866200 Alum 36877280
VHP750WCU 36891703 Alum 36891687
VHP750, AWCAT 36891703 Alum 36891687
HP825A, B, CWCU 36855880 Alum 36864585
HP825DWCU 36891703 Alum 36891687
VHP825WCU 36891703 Alum 36891687
XP825, A, BWCU 36864320 Alum 36864585
XP825CWCU 36866220 Alum 36877280
XP825WJD 36866200 Alum 36877280
XHP825, AWCAT 36883684 Alum 36757540
P850, A, BWGM 36715605 Alum 36715464 Side by side arrangement
36711737 Steel 36711729 Back to back arrangement
36716140 Steel Dun-Bush Option
HP850, A, BWGM 36747137 Steel 36711844 Rad. core section 35300698
36720076 Alum 36711844
VHP850, AWCAT 36891703 Alum 36891687
P900, A, BWCU 36864320 Alum 36864585
XP900, A, BWGM 36747137 Steel 36711844 Rad. core section 35300698
36720076 Alum 36711844
XP900A, B, CWCU 36855880 Alum 36864585
XP900DWCU 36891703 Alum 36891687
XHP900, AWCAT 36882561 Alum 36864387
XHP900SCAT 36882561 Alum 36864387
HP900, AWCAT 36891703 Alum 36891687
HP935WCU; HP915WCU 36891703 Alum 36891687
HP1000WCU 36764348 Alum 36757540
HP1000A, B, CWCU 36864395 Alum 36864387
XP1000, AWCAT 36891703 Alum 36891687
XP1050WCU; XP1000WCU 36891703 Alum 36891687
XHP1070WCAT 36884013 Alum 36884054
XHP1070AWCAT 54627161 Alum 54501838 2 coolers required
P1100, A, BWGM 36747137 Steel 36711844 Rad. core section 35300698
XHP1170WCAT 54627161 Alum 54501838 2 coolers required
XHP1170WCU 54627161 Alum 54501838 2 coolers required
XP1200WCU 36764348 Alum 36757540
XP1200A, B, CWCU 36864395 Alum 36864387
P1300A, B, CWCU 36864395 Alum 36864387
HP1300, A, BWGM 36715688 Steel 36712081 See Note 1
36712867 Alum 36712081 See Note 1
36711968 Steel Karmazin Option, See Note 1
Compressors (continued)
Model Cooler Type Radiator Comments
HP1300, A, BWCU 36864395 Alum 36864387
HP1300CWCU 54501853 Alum 54501838 2 coolers required
NXP1300, AWCU 36770592 Alum 36770568
XP1400, A, BWGM 36715688 Steel 36712081 See Note 1
36712867 Alum 3 6712081 See Note 1
36711968 Steel Karmazin Option, See Note 1
XP1400, A, BWCU 36864395 Alum 36864387
P1600, A, BWGM 36715688 Steel 36712081 See Note 1
36712867 Alum 36712081 See Note 1
36711968 Steel Karmazin Option, See Note
P1600, A, BWCU 36864395 Alum 36864387
HP1600CWCU 54501853 Alum 54501838 2 coolers required
DC24 None 36793552
DC30 None 36866192
DC40 None 36866192
AF1600 36780872
AD55 35612613
AD85 35612654
AD165 3685878
1)The steel and aluminum coolers cannot be interchanged because of extensive changes in piping, sheet metal, etc. In addition, the Karmazin Steel Cooler Option cannot be interchanged with the standard steel cooler. The Karmazin Cooler inlets and outlets are located on the side of the cooler about 1/3 of the way toward the center of that side. The Dun-Bush steel cooler inlet and
outlet is on the side of the cooler at the extreme top and bottom of that side.”
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
PTO-5 N/A 380 PCD484A PCD496B Covers all units
PTO-5M N/A 376 PCD663 PCD666 Covers all units
PTO-7 N/A 382 PCD522A PCD496B Covers all units
PTO-7M N/A 377 PCD664 PCD666 Covers all units
PTO-9-450 N/A 383 PCD524A PCD496B Covers all units
PTO-9-450M N/A 378 PCD665 PCD666 Covers all units
PTO-9-600 N/A 384 PCD524A PCD496B Covers all units
PTO-9-600M N/A 379 PCD665 PCD666 Covers all units
PTO-9-750M N/A 386 PCD665 PCD666 Covers all units
PTO-750-HP-1800 N/A 385 PCD668 PCD667 Covers all units
PTO-750-HP-2100 N/A 387 PCD668 PCD667 Covers all units
3R36 N/A 800 2301H 2301H Covers all units
GR85 Cont. F-163 100 E2285 E2285 Covers all units
GR85 Cont. F-140 N/A E2283 Covers all units
G85 I.H. UC135B 101 PCD75 PCD74 For units thru 61000
PCD291 PCD291 For units above 61000
G85S l.H. UC135B 110 PCD291 PCD291 Covers all units
GU85 I.H. UC135B 101 PCD291 PCD291 Covers all units
GU85S l.H. UC135B 110 PCD291 PCD291 Covers all units
GH85 Her. G1600X74 109 PCD432A PCD432A Covers all units
GH85S Her. G1600X74 109 PCD432A PCD432A Covers all units
GHU85 Her. G1600X74 113 PCD432A PCD432A Covers all units
GHRR85 Her. G1600X74 109 PCD432A PCD432A Covers all units
GHRR85S Her. G1600X74 109 PCD432A PCD432A Covers all units
GRR85 I.H. UC135B 102 PCD62A PCD60A For units thru 61000
PCD313 PCD313 For units above 61000
GRRU85 I.H. UC135B 103 PCD313 PCD313 Covers all units
GRR85S l.H. UC135B 108 PCD313 PCD313 Covers all units
D85 Ford 175DF 120 PCD366 PCD366 Covers all units
D85S(85DBA) Ford 175DF 120 PCD366 PCD366 Covers all units
D85S(90DBA) Ford 175DF 120 PCD366 PCD366 Covers all units
DU85 Ford 175DF 120 PCD366 PCD366 Covers all units
DU85S Ford 175DF 120 PCD366 PCD366 Covers all units
DRRF85 Ford 175DF 106 PCD366 PCD366 Covers all units
DRRF85S(85DBA) Ford 175DF 106 PCD366 PCD366 Covers all units
DRRF85S(90DBA) Ford 175DF 106 PCD366 PCD366 Covers all units
RS85CW N/A 104 C2355 C2355 Covers all units
RS85CCW N/A 105 C2355 C2355 Covers all units
G105 I.H. UC200 145 PCD276 PCD276 Covers all units
D105 G.M. 2-53 146 PCD277 PCD277 Covers all units
DF105 Ford 254DF 147 PCD358 PCD358 Covers all units
GR105 Cont. F162 N/A 2274 D2274 Covers all units
DR105 Cont. GD157 N/A D2274 D2274 Covers all units
GRB105 Cont. G193 N/A PCD112 PCD113 Covers all units
DRB105 G.M. 2-53 N/A PCD125 PCD113 Covers all units
GR125 Cont. F162 N/A D2274 D2274 Covers all units
DR125 Cont. GD157 N/A D2274 D2274 Covers all units
RS125CW N/A 154 C2355 C2355 Covers all units
RS125CCW N/A 155 C2355 C2355 Covers all units
G125 I.H. UC200 160 PCD265 PCD265 Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
G125S I.H. UC200 160 PCD265 PCD265 Covers all units
D125 G.M. 2-53 161 PCD266 PCD266 Covers all units
D125S G.M. 2-53 161 PCD266 PCD266 Covers all units
DF125 Ford 254DF 162 PCD358 PCD358 Covers all units
DF125S Ford 245DF 162 PCD358 PCD358 Covers all units
D125RMC G.M. 2-53 163 N/A N/A Covers all units
GRA 125 Cont. G193 N/A C2332 C2332 Covers all units
DRA125 Cont. GD193 N/A C2332 C2332 Covers all units
DRA125RMS Cont. GD193 159 N/A N/A
GRB125 Cont. G193 150 A2250 A2250 Covers all units
GRBU125 Cont. G193 151 A2250 A2250 Covers all units
DRB125 G.M. 2-53 152 A2250 A2250 Covers all units
DRBU125 G.M. 2-53 153 A2250 A2250 Covers all units
G150 I.H. UC200 211 PCD262A PCD262A Covers all units
G150S l.H. UC200 211 PCD262A PCD262A Covers all units
D150 G.M. 2-53 213 PCD263A PCD263A Covers all units
D150S G.M. 2-53 213 PCD263A PCD263A Covers all units
DF150 Ford 254DF 215 PCD356 PCD356 Covers all units
DFF150 Ford 192 217 PCD423 PCD423 Covers all units
G150B l.H. UC200 220 PCD278 PCD278 Covers all units
GR150 Cont. G193 200 A2290 A2290 Covers all units
GRU150 Cont. G193 201 A2290 A2290 Covers all units
GR150S Cont. G193 208 A2290 A2290 Covers all units
DR150 G.M. 2-53 202 A2290 A2290 Covers all units
DRU150 G.M. 2-53 203 A2290 A2290 Covers all units
GRB150 Cont. G193 206 PCD46 PCD45 Covers all units
GRBU150 Cont. G193 207 PCD46 PCD45 Covers all units
G160SL l.H. UC20 255 PCD475 PCD475 Covers all units
GH160 Her. G2300 254 PCD424 PCD424 Covers all units
GHU160 Her. G2300 254 PCD424 PCD424 Covers all units
GH160S Her. G2300 254 PCD424 PCD424 Covers all units
GIH160 I.H. C196 249 PCD631 PCD631 Covers all units
DRRD160 Deutz F4L912 253 PCD487 PCD487 Covers all units
DRRDU160 Deutz F4L912 253 PCD487 PCD487 Covers all units
DRRD160S Deutz F4L912 257 PCD487 PCD487 Covers all units
DRRF160 Ford D254 263 PCD284A PCD284A Covers all units
DRRF160S Ford D254 263 PCD284A PCD284A Covers all units
GRR160 I.H. UC200 250 PCD88A PCD88A For units thru 66000
PCD362 PCD362 For units above 66000
GRRU160 I.H. UC200 251 PCD88A PCD88A For units thru 66000
PCD362 PCD362 For units above 66000
GRR160S l.H. UC200 250 PCD362 PCD362 Covers all units
DRR160 I.H. D239 252 PCD88A PCD88A For units thru 66000
PCD294A PCD294A For units above 66000
DRRU160 I.H. D239 252 PCD88A PCD88A For units thru 66000
PCD294A PCD294A For units above 66000
DRR160S l.H. D239 252 PCD294A PCD294A Covers all units
GXL175 Her. G2300 300 PCD91A PCD89A Covers all units
GXLU175 Her. G2300 301 PCD91A PCD89A Covers all units
DXL175 Her. D2300 304 PCD91A PCD89A Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
DXLU175 Her. D2300 305 PCD91A PCD89A Covers all units
DXLGM175 G.M. 3-53N N/A PCD165 PCD130 Covers all units
G175 I.H. UC200 311 PCD260A PCD260A Covers all units
G175S l.H. UC200 311 PCD260A PCD260A Covers all units
D175 G.M. 3-53 313 PCD261B PCD261B Covers all units
D175S G.M. 3-53 313 PCD261B PCD261B Covers all units
GR210 Cont. M330 N/A D2274 D2274 Covers all units
DR210 G.M. 4-51 N/A D2274 D2274 Covers all units
GR250(2wh) Cont. M363 350 C2335 C2335 Covers all units
GR250(4wh) Cont. M363 351 C2335 C2335 Covers all units
DR250 G.M. 4-53 353 C2335 C2335 For units thru 71000
PCD316A PCD316A For units 71001-81800
PCD316B PCD316B For units above 81800
DR250SL G.M. 4-53 N/A PCD325 PCD325 Covers all units
RMS250 G.M. 4-53 370 N/A N/A Covers all units
DR270 G.M. 4-53 371 PCD686 PCD686 Covers all units
GR315 Cont. B427 N/A D2274 D2274 Covers all units
DR315 G.M. 3-71 N/A D2274 D2274 Covers all units
DRU365 G.M. 4-71 N/A PCD711 PCD711 Covers all units
DR365 G.M. 4-71 400 C2338 C2338 For units thru 67845
PCD323 PCD323 For units above 67845
DR365SL G.M. 4-71 N/A PCD326 PCD326 Covers all units
DXL525AH G.M. 6V53 959 35068691 35068683 For units thru 125599
PCD837 PCD837 For units above 125599
DXL525BH G.M. 6V53 464 PCD869 PCD869 Covers all units
DR600 G.M. 6-71 500 D2274 D2274 For units thru 58500
PCD295A PCD295A For units above 58500
DR600T G.M. 6-71 502 PCD295A PCD295A Covers all units
ER600 N/A N/A M1498-4B1 M1498-4B1 Covers all units
DL600 G.M. 6V71 N/A B2362 B2362 Covers all units
EL600 (50cy) N/A 504 M4104-4P M4103-41 Covers all units
EL600 (60cy) N/A 503 M4104-4P M4103-41 Covers all units
DXL600H G.M. 6V71 510 PCD386 PCD386 Covers all units
DXL600HS G.M. 6V71 511 PCD387 PCD387 Covers all units
DXL600AH G.M. 6V71 514 35066851 35066844 For units thru 126154
PCD840 PCD840 For units above 126154
DXL600BH G.M. 6V71 517 PCD870 PCD870 Covers all units
DXL600AP G.M. 6V53 513 35066810 35066802 For units thru 125604
PCD838 PCD838 For units above 125604
DXL600BP G.M. 6V53 467 PCD869 PCD869 Covers all units
DXLCA600H CAT3306T 516 PCD774 PCD773 For units thru 125040
PCD849 PCD849 For units above 125040
DXL600ACAT CAT3208DINA 518 35337641 35337641 Covers all units
DXL600AHCAT CAT3208DINA 465 35337641 35337641 Covers all units
DXL700ACAT CAT3208DINA 542 35337641 35337641 Covers all units
DXL700A G.M. 6V53 539 35066810 35066802 For units thru 125604
PCD839 PCD839 For units above 125604
DXL700B G.M. 6V53 479 PCD869 PCD869 Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
DXL750 G.M. 6V71 550 PCD221 PCD221 For units thru 71850
PCD221A PCD221A For units 71851-77821
PCD221B PCD221B For units 77822-93298
PCD221D PCD221D For units above 93298
DXL750AP G.M. 6V71 547 35066836 35066828 For units thru 125106
PCD841 PCD841 For units above 125106
DXL750BP G.M. 6V71 546 PCD870 PCD870 Covers all units
DXL750-P/T G.M. 6V71 549 PCD652 PCD652 Covers all units
DXL750S G.M. 6V71 551 PCD322 PCD322 For units thru 77820
PCD322A PCD322A For units 77821-93298
PCD322B PCD322B For units above 93298
EXL750 (50cyl) N/A 553 N/A N/A
EXL750 (60cyl) N/A 552 N/A N/A
DXLCA750 CAT3306T 548 35064955 35064948 For units thru 125097
PCD850 PCD850 For units 125098 thru 129804
PCD904 PCD904 For units above 129804
DXL750ACAT CAT3208DIT 545 35337641 35337641 Covers all units
D750 CUM V903 557 PCD359A PCD359A For units thru 100365
PCD688A PCD688A For units above 100365
D750T CUM V903 557 PCD359A PCD359A Covers all units
D750S CUM V903 559 PCD429 PCD429 Covers all units
DXL850 G.M. 6V71 560 PCD257 PCD257 For units thru 72084
PCD257A PCD257A For units above 72084
DXL850A G.M. 6V71 565 35066836 35066828 For units thru 125122
PCD842 PCD842 For units above 125122
DXL850B G.M. 6V71 566 PCD870 PCD870 Covers all units
DXL850S G.M. 6V71 561 PCD390 PCD390 Covers all units
DXL850H G.M. 8V71 570 PCD388 PCD388 For units thru 125566
PCD843 PCD843 For units above 125566
DXL850HS G.M. 8V71 571 PCD389 PCD389 Covers all units
DXLCA850 CAT3306T 563 35064955 35064948 For units thru 125097
PCD851 PCD851 For units 125098-129804
PCD904 PCD904 For units above 129804
DXL850ACAT CAT3208DIT 564 35337641 35337641 Covers all units
DR900 G.M. 6-110 N/A N/A C2282 Covers all units
DL900 G.M. 8V71 N/A A2365 A2365 Covers all units
EL900 (50cyl) N/A 607 M3261-4P M3155-41 Covers all units
EL900 (60cyl) N/A 605 M3261-4P M3155-41 Covers all units
EXL900 (50cyl) N/A 606 N/A N/A
EXL900 (60cyl) N/A 603 N/A N/A
DXL900 G.M. 8V71 600 PCD95A PCD92B For units thru 71000
PCD243 PCD243 For units 71001-73648
PCD243A PCD243A For units 73649-107700
35071018 35071000 For units 107701-125572
PCD844 PCD844 For units above 125572
DXL900S G.M. 8V71 602 PCD315 PCD315 For units thru 81000
PCD315A PCD315A For units above 81000
DXLCU900 CUM V903 601 PCD192; PCD95A PCD111 For units thru 75326
PCD287A PCD287A For units above 75326
DXL900T G.M. 8V71 604 PCD243A PCD243A Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
DXLCU1050 CUMV903 620 PCD95A; PCD192 PCD111 For units thru 74171
PCD281A PCD281A For units above 74171
DXL1100 G.M. 8V71 630 PCD258 PCD258 For units thru 74206
PCD258A PCD258A For units 74207-107700
35071034 35071026 For units 107701-125588
PCD845 PCD845 For units above 125588
DXL1100S G.M. 8V71 631 PCD345 PCD345 Covers all units
DXL1100H G.M. 12V71 640 PCD468 PCD468 For units thru 125127
PCD846 PCD846 For units 125128-129886
PCD872 PCD872 For units above 129886
DXL1100HS G.M. 12V71 641 PCD589 PCD589 Covers all units
DL1200 G.M. 12V71 N/A B2358 B2358 Covers all units
EL1200 (50cyl) N/A 656 M4093-4P M4092-41 Covers all units
EL1200 (60cyl) N/A 654 M4093-4P M4092-41 Covers all units
EXL1200 (50cyl) N/A 655 N/A N/A
EXL1200 (60cyl) N/A 653 N/A N/A
DXL1200 G.M. 12V71 650 PCD96A PCD92B For units thru 74426
PCD244 PCD244 For units 74427-79899
PCD244B PCD244B For units 79900-82852
PCD244C PCD244C For units 82853-105863
35071059 35071042 For units 105863-125127
PCD847 PCD847 For units 125128-129877
PCD872 PCD872 For units above 129877
DXL1200S G.M. 12V71 652 PCD220 PCD220 For units thru 75132
PCD349 PCD349 For units above 75132
DXLCA1200 CAT D343TA 651 PCD96A; PCD193 PCD92B; PCD166 Covers all units
DXL1400 G M. 12V71 670 PCD259 PCD259 For units thru 76699
PCD259B PCD259B For units 76700-105863
35071075 35071067 For units 105864-125142
PCD848 PCD848 For units 125143-129877
PCD872 PCD872 For units above 129877
DXL1400S G M. 12V71 671 PCD391 PCD391 Covers all units
D1750 G M. 12V71 740 PCD245 PCD245 Covers all units
D1750S G M. 12V71 741 PCD567 PCD567 Covers all units
D1750A G.M. 12V71 740 PCD530A PCD530A Covers all units
D2000 G M. 16V71 750 PCD242A PCD242A Covers all units
D2000S G M. 16V71 751 PCD402 PCD402 Covers all units
D2000A G.M. 16V71 748 N/A N/A
E2100 N/A 752 PCD264 PCD264 Covers all units
E2100(200PSI) N/A 752 PCD352 PCD352 Covers all units
E2100 (IR ) N/A 752 PCD413 PCD413 Covers all units
E2100 (Del.) N/A 752 N/A N/A
D2300 G M. 16V71 770 N/A N/A
D2500 G.M. 16V71 771 N/A N/A
DXL2500 G.M. 16V71 772 N/A N/A
DXL2500S G.M. 16V71 773 N/A N/A
DXL5000S G.M. 16V71 N/A PCD632 PCD632 Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
XHP15SD(MC2A) DeutzF1L208F 189 N/A N/A Covers all units
P90WIR IR 3IRL2N 089 54526694 54526702
P100WW White G1600 901 35062348 35062330 For units thru 121550
PCD785 PCD785 For units above 12155
P100AWW White G1600 134 PCD817 PCD817 For units thru 128867
PCD875 PCD875 For units above 128867
P100BWW White G1600 138 35358480 35358480 Covers all units
P100WWU White G1600 900 35071174 35071166 For units thru 121550
PCD784 PCD784 For units above 121550
P100AWWU White G1600 135 PCD832 PCD832 Covers all units
P100WD Deutz F2L912 910 35071091 35071083 For units thru 121696
PCD788 PCD788 For units above 121696
P100AWD Deutz F2L511D 911 PCD876 PCD876 Covers all units
P100BWD Deutz F2L511D 167 35371061 PCD876 overs all units
P100CWD Deutz F2L511D 136 35369834 35369834 Covers all units
P100DWD Deutz F3L1011 198 35378603 35378603 Covers all units
P100EWD Deutz F3M1011F 245 35389816 35389816 Covers all units
P100FWD Deutz F3M1011F 209 35391713 35391713 Covers all units
P100SD Deutz F2L912 909 35071117 35071109 For units thru 121696
PCD787 PCD787 For units above 121696
P100WF Ford LSG423IR 139 35365410 35365410 Covers all units
P100AWF Ford LSG4231 125 35374636 35374636 Covers all units
P100BWF Ford LSG4231 124 35378595 35378595 Covers all units
P100WFU Ford LSG423IR 141 35369842 35369842 Covers all units
P100WJD J.D. 3029 IR 210 35391705 35391705 Covers all units
P100WJDU J.D. 3179 IR 144 35386721 35386721 Covers all units
P110AWD Deutz F2L511D 149 PCD876 PCD876 Covers all units
P110BWD Deutz F2L511D 166 35371061 PCD876 Covers all units
P110CWD Deutz F2L511D 165 35369834 35369834 Covers all units
P110WIR IR 4IRL5N 118 54531520 54531520
P125WW White G1600 917 35054246 35054295 For units thru 121550
PCD786 PCD786 For units above 121550
P125AWW White G1600 170 PCD818 PCD818 For units thru 128867
PCD875 PCD875 For units above 128867
P125BWW White G1600 171 35358480 35358480 Covers all units
P125WD Deutz F3L912 903 35068600 35068592 For units thru 121288
PCD792 PCD792 For units above 121288
P125AWD Deutz F3L912 169 PCD821 PCD821 For units thru 129943
PCD894 PCD894 For units above 129943
P125BWD Deutz F3L912 183 35374446 35374446 Covers all units
P125DWD Deutz F3L1011 199 35378603 35378603 Covers all units
P125EWD Deutz F3M1011F 274 35389816 35389816 Covers all units
P125FWD Deutz F3M1011F 223 35391713 35391713 Covers all units
P125WF Ford LSG4231IR 168 35365410 35365410 Covers all units
P125AWF Ford LSG4231 184 35374636 35374636 Covers all units
P125BWF Ford LSG4231 197 35378595 35378595 Covers all units
P125WFU Ford LSG4231IR 156 35369842 35369842 Covers all units
P125WJD J.D. 3179D 158 35369826 35369826 Covers all units
P125AWJD J.D. 3179DF 123 35374065 35374065 Covers all units
P125BWJD J.D. 3029 224 35391705 35391705 Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
P125WJDU J.D. 3179IR 157 35386721 35386721 Covers all units
P130AWJDU J.D.3029 228 35393065 35393065 Covers all units
P130WJD J.D. 3179DF 173 35369826 35369826 Covers all units
P130AWJD J.D. 3179DF 172 5374065 35374065 Covers all units
P130BWJD J.D. 3179D 275 35380245 35380245 Covers all units
P130CWJD J.D. 3179D 276 35387042 35387042 Covers all units
P130DWJD J.D. 3029 214 35391705 35391705 Covers all units
P130WD Deutz F3M1011F 212 35391713 35391713 Covers all units
P135WIR IR 4IRL5N 242 54531520 54531520
P150WJD J.D. 3179D 177 35353200 35353200 Covers all units
P150WW White G1600 906 35068311 35068303 For units thru 121653
P150AWW White G1600 175 PCD822 PCD822 For units thru 129288
PCD893 PCD893 For units above 129288
P150WD Deutz F3L912 905 35067552 35067545 For units thru 121288
PCD793 PCD793 For units above 121288
P150AWD Deutz F3L912 174 PCD819 PCD819 For units thru 129943
PCD894 PCD894 For units above 129943
P150BWD Deutz F3L912 176 35374446 35374446 Covers all units
P160WJD J.D. 3179D 179 35353200 35353200 Covers all units
P160AWJD J.D. 3179DF 178 35374610 35374610 Covers all units
P160BWJD J.D. 3179D 264 35380245 35380245 Covers all units
P160CWJD J.D. 3179D 283 35387042 35387042 Covers all units
P160DWJD J.D. 3029 216 35391705 35391705 Covers all units
P160WJDU J.D. 3179IR 188 35386721 35386721 Covers all units
P160WFU Ford LSG4231IR 187 35369842 35369842 Covers all units
P160AWW White G1600 181 PCD893 PCD893 Covers all units
P160AWWU White G1600 182 PCD823 PCD823 Covers all units
P160BWW White G1600 186 35374628 35374628 Covers all units
P175WW White G1600 919 35071414 35071406 For units thru 121653
PCD791 PCD791 For units above 121653
P175AWW White G1600 923 PCD820 PCD820 For units thru 129288
PCD893 PCD893 For units above 129288
P175BWW White G1600 319 35374628 35374628 Covers all units
P175WWU White G1600 920 35071430 35071422 For units thru 121737
PCD790 PCD790 For units above 121737
P175AWWU White G1600 926 PCD823 PCD823 Covers all units
P175WD Deutz F3L912 928 35071497 35071489 For units thru 121288
PCD796 PCD796 For units above 121288
P175AWD Deutz F3L912 953 PCD815 PCD815 For units thru 129943
PCD894 PCD894 For units above 129943
P175BWD Deutz F3L912 317 35374446 35374446 Covers all units
P175CWD Deutz F4L1011E 324 35380161 35380161 Covers all units
P175DWD Deutz F4L1011E 326 35387067 35387067 Covers all units
P175WDU Deutz F3L912 921 35071455 35071448 For units thru 121288
PCD795 PCD795 For units above 121288
P175AWDU Deutz F3L912 954 PCD824 PCD824 Covers all units
P175SD Deutz F3L912 927 35071471 35071463 For units thru 121288
PCD794 PCD794 For units above 121288
P175ASD Deutz F3L912 955 PCD816 PCD816 For units thru 129943
PCD894 PCD894 For units above129943
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
P175BWJD J.D. 3179D 309 35380245 35380245 Covers all units
P175CWJD J.D. 3179D 282 35387042 35387042 Covers all units
P175DWJD J.D. 3029 218 35391705 35391705 Covers all units
XP175AWJD J.D. 4239DF 956 35337518 35337518 Covers all units
XP175ASJD J.D. 4239DF N/A 35337518 35337518 Covers all units
XP175BWJD J.D. 4239DF 307 35374602 35374602 Covers all units
P175WJDU J.D. 3179IR 315 35386721 35386721 Covers all units
P175AWJDU J.D.3029 310 35393065 35393065 Covers all units
P175WJDU-GPC J.D. 3179 314 35380302 35380302 Covers all units
P175WFU Ford LSG4231IR 316 35369842 35369842 Covers all units
P185WD Deutz F4M1011F 286 35389733 35389733 Covers all units
P185AWD Deutz F4M1011F 219 35391713 35391713 Covers all units
P185WJD J.D. 4219D 932 35071190 35071182 For units thru 121445
PCD780 PCD780 For units above 121445
P185AWJD J.D. 4219D; J.D. 4239DF 957 PCD813 PCD813 For units thru 129657
35337518 35337518 For units above 129657
P185BWJD J.D. 4239DF 329 35374602 35374602 Covers all units
P185CWJD J.D. 4039D 328 35380294 35380294 Covers all units
P185DWJD J.D. 4039D 327 35389865 35389865 Covers all units
P185EWJD J.D. 4045D 221 35391705 35391705 Covers all units
P185SJD J.D. 4219D 916 35071216 35071208 For units thru 121445
P185ASJD J.D. 4239DF 958 PCD814 PCD814 For units thru 129657
35337518 35337518 For units above 129657
P185WW White G1600 915 35063759 35063742 Covers all units
P185AWW White G1600 914 PCD893 PCD893 Covers all units
P185BWW White G1600 330 35374628 35374628 Covers all units
P185WJDU J.D. 3179T 296 35386721 35386721 Covers all units
P185AWJDU J.D. 4045 297 35393065 35393065 Covers all units
P185WIR IR 4IRJ7N 295 54437173 54437173 Covers all units
XP185WIR IR 4IRJ7T 288 54437173 54437173
XP185CWJD J.D. 4039D 308 35380294 35380294 Covers all units
XP185DWJD J.D. 4039D 281 35389865 35389865 Covers all units
XP185EWJD J.D. 4045D 222 35391705 35391705 Covers all units
P250SGM G.M. 3-53 949 PCD827 PCD827 Covers all units
P250WD Deutz F4L912 904 35071588 35071570 For units thru 120029
PCD812 PCD812 For units above 120029
P250AWD Deutz F4L912 367 35362284 35362284 Covers all units
P250BWD Deutz F4L912 365 35374909 35374909 Covers all units
P250SD Deutz F4L912 902 N/A N/A
P250WDM-H268 Deutz F4L912 369 35362565 35362565
P250WDM-0595 Deutz F4L912 368 35365014 35365014
P250WJD J.D. 4039D 364 35380344 35380344 Covers all units
P250AWJD J.D. 4039D 362 35387059 35387059 Covers all units
P250BWJD J.D. 4045D 359 35390095 35390095 Covers all units
P250CWJD J.D. 4045 394 35393958 35393958 Covers all units
P250WJD-DCSC J.D. 4039D 363 35380575 35380575 Covers all units
P250WCU CUM 4B3.9C76 358 35390087 35390087 Covers all units
P250AWCU CUM 4B3.9 349 35392877 35392877 Covers all units
P250WIR IR 4IRJ7T 389 35393966 35393966 Covers all units
P260WIR IR 4IRJ7T 389 35393966 35393966
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
HP300WCU CUM 6B5.9 411 35380609 35380609 Covers all units
HP300AWCU CUM 4B3.9C116 397 35390087 35390087 Covers all units
HP300BWCU CUM 4BT3.9C110 396 35392877 35392877
HP300WJD J.D. 4045T 398 35390095 35390095 Covers all units
HP300WD Deutz BF6L913 374 PCD858 PCD858 Covers all units
VHP300AWD Deutz BF6L913 388 35380146 35380146 Covers all units
VHP300WIR IR 4IRB7T 063 54720784 54720784
P300WGM G.M. 3-53 934 35056266 35056274 For units thru 108926
PCD778 PCD778 For units above 108926
P300SGM G.M. 3-53 933 35060169 35060367 For units thru 114923
PCD777 PCD777 For units above 114923
HP320WD Deutz F6L912 390 PCD858 PCD858 Covers all units
P335WD Deutz F5L912 937 35056340 35056357 For units thru 108926
PCD798 PCD798 For units above 108926
P335SD Deutz F5L912 936 35060599 35060581 For units thru 114874
PCD797 PCD797 For units above 114874
HP365WIR IR 4IRB7T 062 54720784 54720784
XP375WIR IR 4IRB7T 061 54720784 54720784
P375WCU CUM 6B5.9 410 35380609 35380609 Covers all units
P375AWCU CUM 4B3.9C116 412 35390087 35390087 Covers all units
P375BWCU CUM 4BT3.9C110 413 35392877 35392877 Covers all units
P375WJD J.D. 4045T 414 35390095 35390095 Covers all units
P375WD Deutz F6L912 942 PCD858 PCD858 Covers all units
P375AWD Deutz F6L912 408 35374917 35374917 Covers all units
HP375AWD Deutz BF6L913 391 35380146 35380146 Covers all units
HP375WJD J.D. PE4045 064 54720784 54720784
P375SD Deutz F6L912 943 PCD858 PCD858 Covers all units
P375WDM-0712 Deutz F6L912 948 35365162 35365162 Covers all units
P375WCU-M8034 CUM L10 482 35368653 35368653 Covers all units
VHP400WCU CUM 6BTA5.9 421 35389907 35389907 Covers all units
VHP400AWCU CUM 6B-174 422 35392893 35392893 Covers all units
XP400AWD Deutz BF6L913 392 35380146 35380146 Covers all units
P425WIR IR 4IRB7T 060 54720784 54720784
P425AWD Deutz BF6L913 393 35380146 35380146 Covers all units
P425WGM G.M. 4-53 946 35056407 35056415 For units thru 114006
PCD783 PCD783 For units above 114006
P425SGM G.M.4-53 945 35061100 35061092 For units thru 114006
PCD782 PCD782 For units above 114006
HP425SCA CAT3208 440 PCD887 PCD887 Covers all units
P450SCA CAT3208 947 35054824 35054816 For units thru 120889
HP450SCA CAT3208 440 PCD887 PCD887 Covers all units
HP450WCU CUM 6BTA5.9 433 35389907 35389907 Covers all units
HP450AWCU CUM 6B-174 443 35392893 35392893 Covers all units
HP525SGM G.M. 6V53 990 PCD547A PCD545A; PCD546A Covers all units
HP525WGM G.M. 6V53 991 35056662 35056670 Covers all units
HP525AWGM G.M. 6V53 962 35063965 35068204 For units thru 120486
35068212 35068204 For units above 120486
HP525BWGM G.M. 6V53 062 PCD799 PCD799 Covers all units
HP525CWGM G.M. 6V53 463 PCD866 PCD866 Covers all units
XP525WCU CUM 6BTA5.9 432 35389907 35389907 Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
XP525AWCU CUM 6B-174 442 35392893 35392893 Covers all units
P600WCU CUM 6BTA5.9 434 35389907 35389907 Covers all units
P600AWCU CUM 6B-174 441 35392893 35392893 Covers all units
P600WCU-M8034 CUM L10 473 35368661 35368661 Covers all units
P600SGM-C0340 G.M. 6V53N 997 35064997 35064989 Covers all units
HP600WGM G.M. 6V71 968 35056753 35067230 For units thru 108847
35067248 35067230 For units above 108847
HP600AWGM G.M. 6V71 471 PCD802 PCD802 Covers all units
HP600BWGM G.M. 6V71 472 PCD864 PCD864 Covers all units
HP600WCU CUM L10 466 35359512 35359512 For units thru 199837
35380559 35380559 For units above 199837
HP600AWCU CUM LT10C 529 35386598 35386598 Covers all units
HP600BWCU CUM LT10C 712 35386952 35386952 Covers all units
HP600CWCU CUM 6CTA8.3 720 35389915 35389915 Covers all units
HP600WJD J.D. 6076A 719 35389923 35389923 Covers all units
XP600SGM G.M. 6V53 963 PCD547A PCD545A; PCD546A Covers all units
XP600WGM G.M. 6V53 964 35056464 35056472 Covers all units
XP600AWGM G.M. 6V53 965 35063940 35068220 For units thru 120486
35068238 35068220 For units above 120486
XP600BWGM G.M. 6V53 468 PCD800 PCD800 Covers all units
XP600CWGM G.M. 6V53 69 PCD866 PCD866 Covers all units
XP600WCU CUM L10 473 35359512 35359512 For units thru 199837
35380559 35380559 For units above 199837
XP600AWCU CUM LT10C 528 35386598 35386598 Covers all units
XHP600SCAT CAT3306B 476 35390392 35390392 Covers all units
XHP 650WCAT CAT3306B 521 35376292 35376292 For units thru 194684
35380542 35380542 For units above 194684
XHP650AWCAT CAT3306B 538 35393925 35393925 Covers all units
P700WCU CUM V504 976 PCD552 PCD549 Covers all units
P700SCU CUM V504 975 PCD552 PCD550 Covers all units
P700SGM G.M. 6V53 993 PCD547A PCD546A Covers all units
P700WGM G.M. 6V53 994 35056464 35056472 Covers all units
P700AWGM G.M. 6V53 977 35063940 35068220 For units thru 120486
35068238 35068220 For units above 120486
P700BWGM G.M. 6V53 474 PCD801 PCD801 Covers all units
P700CWGM G.M. 6V53 475 PCD866 PCD866 Covers all units
P750WCU CUM L10 482 35359512 35359512 For units thru 199837
35380559 35380559 For units above 199837
P750WCU-M8034 CUM L10 482 35368679 35368679 Covers all units
P750WCU-M0006 CUM L10 482 35372143 35372135 Covers all units
P750AWCU CUM LT10C 491 35386598 35386598 Covers all units
HP750WCU CUM L10 489 35359512 35359512 For units thru 199837
35380559 35380559 For units above 199837
HP750AWCU CUM LT10C 495 35386598 35386598 Covers all units
HP750BWCU CUM LT10C 715 35386952 35386952 Covers all units
HP750CWCU CUM 6CTA8.3 764 35389915 35389915 Covers all units
HP750WJD J.D. 6081A 767 35389923 35389923 Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
P750WGM G.M. DD6-71T 490 35362987 35362987 Covers all units
XP750WGM G.M. 6V71 981 35056746 35067214 For units thru 108847
35067222 35067214 For units above 108847
XP750AWGM G.M. 6V71 480 PCD804 PCD804 Covers all units
XP750BWGM G.M. 6V71 481 PCD864 PCD864 Covers all units
XP750BWCU CUM LT10C 711 35386952 35386952 Covers all units
XP750CWCU CUM 6CTA8.3 710 35389915 35389915 Covers all units
XP750WJD J.D. 6076A 706 35389923 35389923 Covers all units
VHP750WCAT CAT 3306 734 35393438 35393438 Covers all units
VHP750AWCAT CAT 3306 053 54579032 54579032
VHP750WCU CUM M11 050 54579040 54579040
XHP750SCU CUM V903 978 PCD853 PCD853 Covers all units
XHP750-200-OF G.M. 6V92T 622 PCD862 PCD862 Covers all units
XHP750SGM G.M. 6V92T 980 35062256 35067610 For units thru 118169
PCD852 PCD852 For units above 118169
HP750SCAT CAT3306B 971 35366004 35366004 Covers all units
XHP750WCAT CAT 3306B 530 35376292 35376292 For units thru 194684
35380542 35380542 For units above 194684
XHP750AWCAT CAT 3306B 537 35393925 35393925 Covers all units
XHP750WGM G.M. 6V92T 979 35067644 35067636 Covers all units
XHP750AWGM G.M. 6V92T 484 PCD811 PCD811 Covers all units
XHP750BWGM G.M. 6V92T 485 PCD836 PCD836 Covers all units
HP825AWCU CUM LT10C 499 35386598 35386598 Covers all units
HP825BWCU CUM LT10C 716 35386952 35386952 Covers all units
HP825CWCU CUM M11-C 721 35391762 35391762 Covers all units
HP825DWCU CUM M11 722 35393560 35393560 Covers all units
VHP825WCU CUM M11 707 35393560 35393560 Covers all units
XP825WCU CUM L10 497 35359512 35359512 For units thru 199837
35380559 35380559 For units above 199837
XP825AWCU CUM LT10C 498 35386598 35386598 Covers all units
XP825BWCU CUM LT10C 713 35386952 35386952 Covers all units
XP825CWCU CUM 6CTA8.3 763 35389915 35389915 Covers all units
XP825WJD J.D. 6081A 766 35389923 35389923 Covers all units
XHP825WCAT CAT 3306B 531 35380542 35380542 Covers all units
XHP825AWCAT CAT 3306B 541 35393925 35393925 Covers all units
P850WGM G.M. 6V71 982 35056746 35067214 For units thru 108847
35067222 35067214 For units above 108847
P850AWGM G.M. 6V71 487 PCD804 PCD804 Covers all units
P850BWGM G.M. 6V71 488 PCD864 PCD864 Covers all units
HP850WGM G.M. 6V92T 983 35056977 35068444 For units thru 109484
35068451 35068444 For units above 109484
HP850AWGM G.M. 6V92T 493 PCD805 PCD805 Covers all units
HP850BWGM G.M. 6V92T 494 PCD833 PCD833 For units thru 128735
PCD867 PCD867 For units above 128735
VHP850WCAT CAT 3306 735 35393438 35393438 Covers all units
VHP850AWCAT CAT 3306 054 54579032 54579032
P900WCU CUM L10 580 35359512 35359512 For units thru 199837
35380559 35380559 For units above 199837
P900AWCU CUM LT10C 579 35386598 35386598 Covers all units
P900BWCU CUM LT10C 714 35386952 35386952 Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
XP900WGM G.M. 6V92T 985 35056910 35068428 For units thru 109484
35068436 35068428 For units above 10948
XP900AWGM G.M. 6V92T 573 PCD806 PCD806 Covers all units
XP900BWGM G.M. 6V92T 574 PCD834 PCD834 For units thru 128735
PCD867 PCD867 For units above 128735
XP900AWCU CUM LT10C 568 35386598 35386598 Covers all units
XP900BWCU CUM LT10C 717 35386952 35386952 Covers all units
XP900CWCU CUM M11-C 718 35391762 35391762 Covers all units
XP900DWCU CUM M11 724 35393560 35393560 Covers all units
HP900WCAT CAT3306 736 35393438 35393438 Covers all units
HP900AWCAT CAT 3306 055 54579032 54579032
XHP900SCAT CAT3406C 569 35386739 35386739 Covers all units
XHP900WCAT-EEC CAT3406B 572 35380542 35380542 Covers all units
XHP900AWCAT-EEC CAT3406C 587 35393925 35393925 Covers all units
XHP900WCAT CAT3406B 578 35377647 35377647 For units thru 194684
35380542 35380542 For units above 194684
XHP900AWCAT CAT3406C 584 35393925 35393925 Covers all units
XHP900/350-OF CAT3406B 702 35360825 35360825 Covers all units
XHP900/350-OF-DD G.M. 12V71N 633 PCD863 PCD863 Covers all units
HP915WCU CUM M11 051 54579040 54579040
HP935WCU CUM M11 708 35393560 35393560 Covers all units
XHP950-OF-CAT-DD CAT3412DIT 626 PCD701 PCD701 Covers all units
XHP950-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V71N 636 PCD697 PCD697 Covers all units
XHP950A-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V92N 619 PCD826 PCD826 Covers all units
XHP1050-OF-CAT-DD CAT3412DIT 625 PCD702 PCD702 Covers all units
XHP1050-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V71N 635 PCD696 PCD696 Covers all units
XHP1050A-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V92N 618 PCD826 PCD826 Covers all units
HP1000WCU CUM L10 581 35377043 35377043 Covers all units
HP1000AWCU CUM NTA855 583 35380096 35380096 Covers all units
HP1000BWCU CUM NTA855 676 35386994 35386994 Covers all units
HP1000CWCU CUM NTA14-C 673 35393933 35393933 Covers all units
XP1000WCAT CAT 3306 737 35393438 35393438 Covers all units
XP1000AWCAT CAT 3306 056 54579032 54579032
XP1000WCU CUM M11 052 54579040 54579040
XP1050WCU CUM M11 709 35393560 35393560 Covers all units
XHP1070WCAT CAT 3406 588 35391903 35391903 Covers all units
XHP1070AWCAT CAT 3406E 077 22087159 22087159
XHP1070SCAT CAT 3406 592 N/A N/A
P1100WGM G.M. 6V92T 986 35056910 35068428 For units thru 109484
35068436 35068428 For units above 109484
P1100AWGM G.M. 6V92T 585 PCD807 PCD807 Covers all units
P1100BWGM G.M. 6V92T 586 PCD835 PCD835 For units thru 128735
PCD867 PCD867 For units above 128735
XHP1150-OF-CAT-AT CAT3412DIT 645 PCD698 PCD698 For units thru 128193
PCD698A PCD698A For units above 128193
XHP1150-OF-CAT-DD CAT3412DIT 624 PCD703 PCD703 For units thru 126249
PCD703A PCD703A For units above 126249
XHP1150-OF-CAT-IRCS CAT3412DIT 647 PCD727 PCD727 Covers all units
XHP1150-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V71N 634 PCD693 PCD693 Covers all units
XHP1150A-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V92N 617 PCD826 PCD826 Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
XHP1150-OF-GM-AT G.M. 12V71N 643 PCD691 PCD691 Covers all units
XHP1150A-OF-GM-AT G.M. 12V92N 616 PCD825 PCD825 Covers all units
XHP1170WCAT CAT 3406E 078 22087159 22087159
XHP1170WCU CUM QSX15 079 22063556 22063556
XP1200WCU CUM L10 657 35377043 35377043 Covers all units
XP1200AWCU CUM NTA855 658 35380096 35380096 Covers all units
XP1200BWCU CUM NTA855 675 35386994 35386994 Covers all units
XP1200CWCU CUM NTA14-C 674 35393933 35393933 Covers all units
NXP1300WCU CUM NTA855 661 35386572
NXP1300AWCU CUM NTA855 669 35387018 For units thru 260272
CUM NTA14-C 669 35387018 For units thru 260272
P1300AWCU CUM NTA855 668 35380096 35380096 Covers all units
P1300BWCU CUM NTA855 677 35386994 35386994 Covers all units
P1300CWCU CUM NTA14-C 678 35393933 35393933 Covers all units
HP1300WGM G.M. 8V92T 987 35057066 35067032 For units thru 111906
35067040 35067032 For units above 111906
HP1300AWGM G.M. 8V92T 589 PCD808 PCD808 For units thru 144268
PCD809 PCD809 For units above 144268
HP1300BWGM G.M. 8V92TA 590 35366145 35366145 Covers all units
HP1300WCU CUM NTA855 660 35376086 35376086 Covers all units
HP1300AWCU CUM NTA855 695 35386994 35386994 Covers all units
HP1300BWCU CUM NTA-14C 729 35393933 35393933 Covers all units
HP1300CWCU CUM QSX15 075 54757919 54757919
XP1400WGM G.M. 8V92T 988 35057009 35067016 For units thru 111906
35067024 35067016 For units above 111906
XP1400AWGM G.M.8V92T 593 PCD809 PCD809 Covers all units
XP1400BWGM G.M. 8V92TA 594 35366145 35366145 Covers all units
XP1400WCU CUM NTA855 680 35376086 35376086 Covers all units
XP1400AWCU CUM NTA855 694 35386994 35386994 Covers all units
XP1400BWCU CUM NTA-14C 696 35393933 35393933 Covers all units
NHP1500WCU CUM QSX15 681 54665302 54665302
NHP1500SCU CUM QSX15 682 N/A N/A
P1600WGM G.M. 8V92T 989 35057009 35067016 For units thru 112149
35067024 35067016 For units above 112149
P1600AWGM G.M. 8V92T 597 PCD810 PCD810 For units thru 144268
PCD809 PCD809 For units above 144268
P1600BWGM G.M. 8V92TA 598 35366145 35366145 Covers all units
P1600WCU CUM NTA855 984 35376086 35376086 Covers all units
P1600AWCU CUM NTA855 693 35386994 35386994 Covers all units
P1600BWCU CUM NTA-14C 692 35393933 35393933 Covers all units
HP1600CWCU CUM QSX15 076 54757919 54757919
XHP1900-OF-CAT-DD CAT 3412DIT 629 PCD701 PCD701 Covers all units
XHP1900-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V71N 639 PCD697 PCD697 Covers all units
XHP1900A-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V92N 615 N/A N/A
XHP2100-OF-CAT-DD CAT3412DIT 628 PCD702 PCD702 Covers all units
XHP2100-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V71N 638 PCD696 PCD696 Covers all units
XHP2100A-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V92N 614 N/A N/A
XHP2300-OF-CAT-AT CAT3412DIT 646 PCD698 PCD698 Covers all units
XHP2300-OF-CAT-DD CAT3412DIT 627 PCD703 PCD703 Covers all units
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
P600WIR 6IRF8TE 278 22199590 22199590 *22235428
HP450WIR 6IRF8TE 279 22199590 22199590 *22235428
VHP400WIR 6IRF8TE 289 22199590 22199590 *22235428
XHP650BWCAT EXPORT CAT E282 3306TA 445 35393925 35393925
XHP750BWCAT EXPORT CAT E282 3306TA 446 35393925 35393925
XHP825BWCAT EXPORT CAT E282 3306TA 448 35393925 35393925
XHP900BWCAT EXPORT CAT E472 3406DITA 449 22464937 22464937
XHP1250CM @1800RPM EXTERNAL 732 43214683 43214683
P110AWIR 4IRH8N-1 759 22035585 22035585
P135AWIR 4IRH8N-1 762 22035585 22035585
P185AWIR 4IRI8N 820 22305593 22305593
XP185AWIR 4IRI8T 821 22442842 22442560
SHP825WCAT CAT E609 C-9 843 22326730 22258057 *22373294
VHP750BWCAT CAT E609 C-9 844 22326730 22258057 *22373294
MHP825WCAT CAT E609 C-9 845 22326730 22258057 *22373294
VHP110AWJDU J.D. 3029D 849 35393065 35393065
USMC P260WIR MIL24V 4IRJ7T 004 22138960 22138960
VHP90CMH Hyd. Motor 009 22189203 22189203
XP375AWJD J.D. 4045TF 047 54722160 54722160
XP375AWIR 4IRD5AE 080 22220321 22220321 *22235428
P425AWIR 4IRD5AE 081 22220321 22220321 *22235428
HP375AWIR 4IRD5AE 085 22220321 22220321 *22235428
VHP300AWIR 4IRD5AE 086 22220321 22220321 *22235428
XP1060WCU CUM QSL-9 258 22326722 22258040 *22235576
HP935AWCU CUM QSL-9 259 22326722 22258040 *22235576
MHP825WCU CUM QSL-9 262 22326722 22258040 *22235576
VHP750WCU CUM M11 265 54579040 54579040 *22235576
XHP750WCU CUM QSL-9 271 22326722 22258040 *22235576
XHP750CWCAT CAT E609 C-9 272 22326730 22258057 *22373294
XHP1070BWCAT EXPORT CAT 3406 TA 456 35391903 35391903
XHP900ASCATSKID EXPORT CAT 3406 B 556 35386739 35386739
XHP1170SCAT CAT C-15 596 22155816 22155816 *22144950
XHP1250CMH@1800RPM Hyd. Motor 733 22077473 22077473
XHP1250CM @2100RPM EXTERNAL 738 22077473 22077473
XHP1250CMH@2100RPM Hyd. Motor 739 22077473 22077473
HP675DWCU CUM 6C8.3 A15 22482533 22482517
XP750DWCU CUM 6C8.3 A16 22482533 22482517
HP750DWCU CUM 6C8.3 A17 22482533 22482517
XP825DWCU CUM 6C8.3 A18 22482533 22482517
XP950HACAT CAT C-9 A19 22560841 22258057 *22373294
XP1060HACAT CAT C-9 A20 22560841 22258057 *22373294
P250WJDU J.D. 4045D A23 22320717 22320717
P260AWIR 4IRI8T A24 22442701 22442545
RHP1070WCAT EXPORT CAT 3406 TA A28 35393925 35393925 *35393925
HP1600SCAT CAT C-15 A38 22395487 22395487 *22144950
P250WJDU W/AUX J.D. 4045D A39 22320717 22320717
XP375BWIR 4IRD5AE A57 22220321 22220321 *22235428
P425BWIR 4IRD5AE A58 22220321 22220321 *22235428
HP375BWIR 4IRD5AE A59 22220321 22220321 *22235428
VHP300BWIR 4IRD5AE A60 22220321 22220321 *22235428
* Electronic service manual
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
HP450AWIR 6IRF8TE A61 22442628 22442594 *22235428
VHP400AWIR 6IRF8TE A62 22442628 22442594 *22235428
VHP30RMH OPEN EXTERNAL A63 22430508 22430508
VHP30RMH CLOSED EXTERNAL A64 22430508 22430508
VHP40RMH OPEN EXTERNAL A65 22430508 22430508
VHP40RMH CLOSED EXTERNAL A66 22430508 22430508
LIGHTSOURCE NAVY 6KW KUB D1105BG A90 22474050 22474043
XHP1070SCAT TIER 2 CAT C-15 A93 22155816 22155816 *22144950
HP60CMH EXTERNAL A94 22189203 22189203
P160BWIR (AirSource) 4IRX3N B01 22496964 22498711
P185BWIR (AirSource Plus) 4IRX3T B02 22546980 22498711
P185FWJD (AirSource Plus) J.D. 4024T B10 22496970 22498745 *22498760
HP375WCU CUM 4B3.9TAA B11 22592075 22592086
XP375WCU CUM 4B3.9TAA B12 22592075 22592086
P425WCU CUM 4B3.9TAA B13 22592075 22592086
VHP750CWCU RE-RATE QSL-9 B22 22560866 22560858 *22235576
MHP825BWCU RE-RATE QSL-9 B23 22560866 22560858 *22235576
HP915AWCU RE-RATE QSL-9 B24 22560866 22560858 *22235576
XP1000AWCU RE-RATE QSL-9 B25 22560866 22560858 *22235576
SHP750WCU RERATE QSL-9 B27 22560866 22560858 *22235576
XHP750WCU EXPORT B33 22560874 22258040 *22235576
XHP1170AWCAT (TIER3) CAT C15 B40 22481907 22481881 *22144950
XHP1070CWCAT (TIER3) CAT C15 B41 22481907 22481881 *22144950
XHP1170ASCAT (TIER3) CAT C15 B42 22144950
XHP1070BSCAT (TIER3) CAT C15 B43 22155816 22155816 *22144950
XHP1170AWCU QSX15 B44 22063556 *22109441
XHP1170BWCAT EXPORT CAT C15 B45 22481907 22481881 *22144950
XHP1070DWCAT EXPORT CAT C16 B46 22481907 22481881 *22144950
XHP1170BSCAT EXPORT B47 22144950
XHP1070CSCAT EXPORT B48 22155816 22155816 *22144950
HP1600ASCAT EXPORT B49 22155816 22155816 *22144950
VHP750DWCU QSL 300Hp B69 22560866 22560858 *22235576
MHP825CWCU QSL 300Hp B70 22560866 22560858 *22235576
HP915BWCU QSL 300Hp B71 22560866 22560858 *22235576
XP1000BWCU QSL 300Hp B72 22560866 22560858 *22235576
P185GWJD RE-RATE J.D. 4024 B73 22591986 22591978
HP675EWCU CUM QSC8.3 B74 22826218 22834568 *22893804
XP750EWCU CUM QSC8.4 B75 22826218 22834568 *22893804
HP750EWCU CUM QSC8.5 B76 22826218 22834568 *22893804
XP825EWCU CUM QSC8.6 B77 22826218 22834568 *22893804
“* Electronic service manual
Note: For S/N’s 351086 or higher utilize Manual number 22496913″
Section A – Non P-Line Portable Compressors
Model Driver Serial Code Parts Manual Ops. & Maint. Manual Comments
XHP1170FrameCAT CAT C15 B78 *22144950
HP1600EWCU QSX15 B83 22523831 22523815 *22772784
HP1300EWCU QSX15 B84 22523831 22523815 *22772784
VHP750EWCAT CAT C-9 B97 22560833 22560825 *22373294
MHP825CWCAT CAT C-9 B98 22560833 22560825 *22373294
VHP750BWCAT CAT C-9 C03 22326730 22258057 *22373294
MHP825WCAT CAT C-9 C04 22326730 22258057 *22373294
XP950WCAT CAT C-9 C05 22326730 22258057 *22373294
P1060WCAT CAT C-9 C06 22326730 22258057 *22373294
HP675FWCU CUM 6C8.3 C07 22482533 22482517
XP750FWCU CUM 6C8.3 C08 22482533 22482517
HP750FWCU CUM 6C8.3 C09 22482533 22482517
XHP2300-OF-GM-DD” “CUM 6C8.3
G.M. 12V71N” C10 637 “22482533
PCD693″ “22482517
PCD693″ Covers all units
XHP2300A-OF-GM-DD G.M. 12V92N 613 N/A N/A
XHP2300-OF-GM-AT G.M. 12V71N 644 PCD691 PCD691 Covers all units
XHP2300A-OF-GM-AT G.M.12V92N 612 N/A N/A
*Electronic service manual
Training and Service Material
“Utility Equipment Aftermarket has available, a variety of training programs, tapes, and related airend overhaul material. Even though the material listed below is purchased through the Parts Department, questions regarding content and application should be directed at the Service Department.
Airend Overhaul Manual Listing Airend Type Machine IR Part #”
85mm P-100 thru P185 35392968
100mm Direct Drive TRB P-100/P-125 – (S/N 101836 & Up) 35368125
100mm Gear Driven TRB P-125 thru P-185 – (S/N 102123 up to 7334U80) 35326529
100mm Gear Driven TRB P-125 thru P-185 – (S/N 7334U80 & up) 35371194
127.5mm TRB P-250 35363738
175mm DL600 Form 2390
178.5mm Ball Bearing P-300 thru P-450 35374172
178.5mm TRB HP300 thru P600 35386978
226mm (L/D = 2) TRB DXL-750BP/850B,
HP-600/XP750/P850-W-G M, 35358308
HP-600 thru P-900-W-CU
226mm Angular Contact BB HP525/XP600/P700-W-GM 35373273
226mm Worldwide Various Models 35393982
250mm DL900/DL1200 Form 2390
“255mm TRB
226/127.5mm Over/Under (HR2)” “DXL750 thru 1400 – Repair & Overhaul
(Shimming Procedure for Super Spiro-Flo)
XHP-750-S-CAT/Rotary Drill Applications” “PCD-93A PCD-694
226/163mm Gear Driven XHP-750-S/W-GM**
XHP-750/200-OF 35373851
255/204mm TRB Oil Field – XHP-900 thru 1150/ 35374727
Rotary Drill Applications
285mm P1600WCU Family 35386747
350mm Drill Rig Airends 35393883
** D750/XHP-750-S-CU – (Similar, less gears)
Specialized Service Manuals
Diesel Engine Workshop Manual for 4IRJ7N and 4IRJ7T 54533500
Diesel Engine Technician Guide for 4IRJ7N and 4IRJ7T 54469762
Diesel Engine Workshop Manual for 3IRL2, 3IRL4, and 4IRL5 54579925
Diesel Engine Technician Guide for 3IRL2, 3IRL4, and 4IRL5 54587720
Diesel Engine Workshop Manual for 4IRB7 54701321
Diesel Engine Technician Guide for 4IRB7 54701339
NHP1500WCU Electrical/Electronic Service Manual 22103592
Compressor Page 90 Rev. C, 4/2008
“Reading Airend Serial Numbers
As stated before, unique airend serial numbers came into use in 1970. As with complete units, it was decided that Utility Equipment would use a serial code system for identifying airends.
The serial code system would be two (2) digits instead of three (3) (which the complete machines have.)
Serial numbers with 5 digits in front of the “U” began in January 2001. An example of a serial number is as follows:
9827U8055 — 9827 — unique serial number
— U — manufactured in Mocksville
— 80 — manufactured in 1980
— 55 — serial code for DXL750
You may also notice a serial number which contains “RU” or “RD” instead of just “U”. This
designates that the airend was built by the Rebuild Department in Mocksville. This, however, does not mean that any used components were utilized in the building of the airend.”
“Example of serial number location
on rotary vane style airend.”
Rev. C, 4/2008 Compressor Page 91
Compressor Page 92 Rev. C, 4/2008
“Below is the listing of Airend Serial Codes. They are in Serial Code sequence; for
machine size sequence – see Airend Exchange Program.”
Serial Code Description Serial Code Description
A1 P100, P100A G9 DXL525AH
(except for P100AWD) H1 EXL600 (60 cycle)
A2 P300 H2 XL900
A3 P335 H3 EXL900 (50 cycle)
A4 P425 H4 XL1050
A5 P450 H5 XL1200
A6 P175 H6 EXL1050 (50 cycle)
A8 XP600GM H7 EXL1200 (50 cycle)
A9 XP600CU H8 EXL1400 (50 cycle)
B3 P700CU J3 P375
B9 P700GM J5 P100WDMKII,
C1 P185WJD P10 0AWD, P110AWD
C3 XHP1150 J7 HR3
C4 XHP950 J8 HP600/HL600 Redesign
C6 XP750, XP600WCU, J9 XHP750 Redesign
HP6 00WCU K1 PTO750/1800 Redesign
C7 HP1300GM K2 PTO750/2100 Redesign
C8 XP1400GM K3 VHP1050 Redesign
C9 P1600GM K4 HP900 Redesign
D1 HP600 (Portable) K5 HP750 Redesign
D2 P850 K6 XHP1150 Redesign
D3 HP850 K7 XHP1150 Redesign
D4 XP900 K8 XHP950 Redesign
D5 P1100 K9 XHP1050 Redesign
D6 XHP1050 L1 XHP1150 Redesign
D8 XP600AWGM L2 HP750 Electric Redesign
D9 XHP1150 L3 XHP900 Redesign
E8 HP525AWGM L4 XHP900 Redesign
E9 P700AWGM L5 HL750 Redesign
F1 P250, P250A L7 VHP1050
F2 DXL600A M5 EXL1400 (50 cycle)
F3 DXL600AH M6 EXL1400 (60 cycle)
F4 DXL700A M7 PCD 350m/m 1800 (50 cycle)
F5 DXL750A M8 PCD 350m/m 1800 (60 cycle)
F6 DXL850A M9 PCD 350m/m 1600
G1 HP600/HL600 P2 DXL750A CAT
TRB -New Interstage P3 HP900 (50 Hz)
G4 DAMCO 450 P6 P175A (Threaded Discharge)
G5 DAMCO 625 P7 P185A (Threaded Discharge)
G7 EXL1400 (60 cycle)
“Below is the listing of Airend Serial Codes. They are in Serial Code sequence; for
machine size sequence – see Airend Exchange Program.”
Serial Code Description Serial Code Description
P8 HP450 CAT W6 P185 (JLB)
P9 HP230 W7 W7 P100BWW (JLB)
Q1 HP900 TRB W8 P100AWD (JLB)
Q4 P100BWW X4 P100BWW (Internal Oil)
Q7 VHP1050 TRB X5 P100AWD (Internal Oil)
Q8 HP750 TRB X6 P175 (Internal Oil)
Q9 XHP1150 TRB X7 P185 (Internal Oil)
R1 XHP1150 TRB X8 HR2-825
R2 XHP950 TRB X9 RR15-MC2A
R3 XHP1050 TRB Y1 HP450 Drill
R4 XHP1150 TRB Y3 P600 Drill
R5 HP750 TRB Y9 HR2-600-2300
R6 XHP900 TRB Z2 P1600WCU
R7 VHP1050 TRB Z4 P600 Drill; XP525WCU
R8 HP900 TRB Z5 P365 Drill; HP450WCU
R9 P750 Cum Z6 P230 Drill
S1 HR2-750 Z7 XP1400WCU
S2 HR2-900 Z8 HP1300WCU
S3 XP825 Cum Z9 XP1200WCU
S4 P900 Cum S4 P900 Cum
S5 XL1400CSP AA HR2-750 (1800 RPM)
S7 HP320WD AB XP1100 (285)
S8 HR2-600-2100 AC HP300 Drill
S9 XP175AWJD AD XP400, HP375, P425AWD
T1 XL900CSP AE 85mm P100DWD
T2 P375TRB AG HR2-900/350 CAT
T4 P425TRB AJ HR2-1000
T5 P335TRB AK PCD350 m/m 2200 (50 cycle)
T6 P300TRB AL P1050 Drill
T7 XL750CSP AM P900 Drill
T8 HP1050-RD10 AN P750 Drill
AO P600 Drill
U2 XL1200CSP AP P450 Drill
U3 XL600CSP AQ P1600 Drill
U6 P1600BWGM AS PCD1800 Drill
U7 XP1400BWGM AT PCD1600 Drill
U8 HP1300BWGM BE 85mm (replaced by BS)
U9 PCD350/1600 BF 85mm-P100BWF
W1 PCD350/1600 BG 85mm-P185CWJD
W2 XL1050CSP BH HR2-1050
W4 P100AWW (JLB) BJ PCD1600 Drill
W5 P175 (JLB) BL P250JLB
Below is the listing of Airend Serial Codes. They are in Serial Code sequence; for
machine size sequence – see Airend Exchange Program.
Serial Code Description Serial Code Description
BP 200/130 Drill FB VHP825/850
BR 85mm-Cust. 1 FC P275 Cust.1
BS 85mm-P130B, P175CWD FD P300 Cust.1
BV HR2.5-1250 FG XP900DWCU
CA XL1200-50HZ FL HP825/850
CN P230 Drill FT XP1000WCAT
CQ HR2.5-1250 redesign FU HP750
CR 350mm-2600 CFM FV XP825
CV HR2.5-1050 FX PCD1400 Drill
CX XP750WJD; XP750CWCU FZ P1050 Drill
CZ 275CFM Drill GA P900 Drill
DA XP825WJD; XP825CWCU GB P750 Drill
DB HP750WJD; HP750CWCU GC P600 Drill
DG HR2.5-1250/1800 RP M GD P450 Drill
DH 350MM-2600CFM GJ 85 mm PTO
DJ 950CFM/O.F./226 mm GK P375 Cust.1
DR 1050CFM/O.F./226 mm GL P1200 Drill
DS 750CFM/O.F./226 mm GS P900 Cust.1
DT 1750CFM/O.F./285 mm HB 85 mm PTO
DU 780CFM/O.F./226 mm HF Dual 285 mm – 3800
EK P130AWJDU HG Dual 285 mm – 3000
EL P175/185AWJDU HJ CF90/250
EM P850 Cust.1 HN XHP1170 CU/CAT
EN P600 Cust.1 JK CF90 Drill
EP P330 Cust.1 JL 297/250 Cust.1
EQ 350 mm/1600 JM 85mm Cust.1
ER 350 mm/1600 JN XHP1070CM-2100
ES 350 mm/1600 JP XHP1070CM-1800
ET 350 mm/1800 JQ P425WIR
EU 350 mm/2200 JR XP375WIR
EW 350 mm/2600 JS HP375WJD
EX 350 mm/2600 JT HP365WIR
EY 350 mm/1800 JU VHP300WIR
EZ XP1050WCU JW XHP750CM-2100
FA HP935WCU JX XHP825CM-2100
JY XHP750CM-1850
“Below is the listing of Airend Serial Codes. They are in Serial Code sequence; for
machine size sequence – see Airend Exchange Program.”
Serial Code Description Serial Code Description
JZ XHP900CM-2100 50 R600
KA XHP900CM-1800 51 L600
KB HR2.5-870-1850 52 XL600H
KC HR2.5-1150-2100 55 XL750
KD CF90 Drill 57 XL850
KG 85mm Drill 58 XL1050
01 PTO9(450) TRB Metric 59 XLCU900
02 PTO9(600) TRB Metric 60 XL900
03 PTO9(750) TRB Metric 61 L900
06 PTO7(330) Metric B.B. 62 XLCU900
07 PTO9(450) Metric B.B. 65 EXL1200 (60 cycle)
08 PTO9(600) Metric B.B. 67 L1200
10 R85 70 XL1100/EXL900 (60 cycle)
11 RR85 72 XL1400
12 RS85CW 74 XL1200
13 RS85CCW 75 L1750
15 RB125 79 1050/350 PSI
16 RS125CW 80 L2000
17 RS125CCW 81 EL2100
21 R150/RA 125/140 82 HP750
22 PTO9(750) B.B. 83 HP900
23 PTO750 H.P. (250 PSI) 84 XHP1150
TRB (1800RPM) 85 L2300
24 PTO9(620) B.B. 86 HP600/HL600 TRB
25 RR160 87 XHP750
26 PTO9(460) B.B. 88 XHP950
27 PTO5 89 HP750 (E.O.)
28 PTO7(330) B.B.
29 PTO7(260) B.B.
30 XL175
31 R175
32 L175
34 PTO750 H.P. (250PSI)
TRB (2100RPM)
35 R250
40 R365
48 HP600/HL600 B.B.
Địa chỉ: KĐT Ciputra, Phường Đông Ngạc, Quận Bắc Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội
Hotline 1: 098 194 1795 (24/7)
Email: david@adonggroup.com
Hotline 2: 096 778 6962 (24/7)
Email: thietbicongnghiepadong@gmail.com
Website: sullivan-palatek.vn
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